feng shui at work

our vintage buyer brought an article over to jemma about how to feng shui your desk at work, and i immediately decided my desk needed a makeover. my feng shui was all wrong… and with the beautiful weather we’re having today it felt like a good time to do some spring cleaning!

feng shui3_2

(the article is from whole living magazine)

here’s what my workspace looked like before – a cluttered mess!


to feng shui my desk i followed the instructions above as well as i could with what i have here at work.  i put my plant, dreamcatcher and buddha figurine in the back left (or top left) area, with a photo of the sunset over the pacific in the background to make it feel as zen as possible. the bottom left area has a collage of photos from my latest trip, just kids, “music we like” from amoeba (a great music reference), my little journal and peaceful accents of blue. at the top right i have photos of loved ones and notes and cards from friends at work, and at the bottom right i hung some scraps of fabric to inspire creativity.


here’s the end result:


it may not look much different but it sure feels better! now i just need to feng shui my apartment…

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13 years ago

Good work! This makes perfect sense to me . . . only with my entire house. It has to be just “so” or I feel I cannot do my best work.

Ladaisi Blog

13 years ago

great idea!
i love your Santa Monica background :D

13 years ago

is that a rat terrier card…I love rattys!

13 years ago

not that i know of but as long as your table is clutter free, that is the best feng shui you can ever get.

13 years ago

enjoyed the post! i need to feng shui my entire room, hehe. i have the same backpack in green! way cuter than jansport backpacks

11 years ago

Look @ this!

11 years ago


11 years ago

This article was super helpful! I’m moving into an apartment and this is the perfect time to de-clutter and give my space a fresh new look!

9 years ago

This article was super helpful also for me! Thank you! Erika

8 years ago

I like how when you rearranged/reorganized everything, your pictures on the left even seemed to become clearer, even though that’s basically the only thing that stayed put.