Monday Quote: Be Willing To Let Go

One of the most frustrating and wonderful things about life is that it never goes quite like we plan. I can say with certainty that where I am now is not where I would have pictured myself 10 years, or even 5 years ago. Yet, I wouldn’t trade what I have now for the world. It’s hard though, accepting that certain wishes and past dreams aren’t going to come true…but in their place are other ones that sprout up, seemingly out of nowhere. The only way to take advantage of those new dreams and opportunities are to be able to let go of the past and always keep an open mind.

Photo by Julia.

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11 years ago

This is so relevant right now. It has been two months since the boy I was in love with left me for a new girl and I have been dwelling on it for these months and it’s about time I stop crying, let go, and move on. I need to do that for my own well-being.

11 years ago

This quote should be attributed to Joseph Campbell as found on page 18 in “Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion.”

ISBN 978-0-06-092617-5

10 years ago

Amen to that!

We always remind people that the cycles of the moon can help to remind us (in addition to perfect energy) for letting go and releasing all that we no longer need. The full moon each and every month is the perfect time to release and let go…and then the New Moon is the perfect time to ask for want you want!

Although letting go can be difficult at times, it is important to make room for the new. We have a video on ‘The Cycles of the Moon’ explaining short and easy exercises for letting go:

Much love Free People!!!
We love all that you do!!!!

Ali and Greta
YouTube: The Twin Tree Channel