American Woman: A Mood Board For Our Latest Trend

I always love the trends that our merchandisers come up with, but every once in a while a trend comes along that hits a special note with me and this week’s “American Woman” is one of them. First of all, there is a definite 70s vibe that instantly appeals to me, and when combined with retro sporty graphics and Americana elements, this is a look I wholeheartedly support. It brings to mind Venice Beach and that cool laid-back LA attitude, the Z-Boys and surf culture. Here’s a mood board inspired by this trend – and a playlist as well!

Shop the American Woman trend.

z-boys skating empty pool

girl wearing sports jersey

vintage body surfing boards

girl standing in water

girl blonde hair

heath ledger skateboard

empty skate bowl

z-boys skateboarding

girl outside record player

girl in vw bus

Shop the trend, American Woman!

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11 years ago

Love this! Being a so-cal girl this is so me and my dad and uncle who grew up in Santa Monica during this time always tell the best stories of what it was like :) also you’re gonna make me cry with that Heath ledger picture!!!! :(

11 years ago

LOVE THIS!! I’m from SD, California and this trend definitely appeals to me. I would say my style has elements of this trend for sure. The mood board is awesome…I LOVEEEE the Z-Boys <3.

11 years ago

Very cool! I am not actually an “American” girl. I am however a “North American” girl. The Guess Who, by the way, were Canadian!