Your Favorite Boutique, Now In Your Pocket!

We are very excited to announce that the Free People iPhone App is now available for download through the Apple iTunes Store! A lot of hard work and patience has been put into the development of this app, and it’s so rewarding to see the final product. Within the app, you can browse your favorite styles, see the latest lookbooks and catalogs, and even shop on the go! You also have full access to your FP Me profile, so you can heart, share and upload pics directly from your phone. One of my favorite features of the app is the built in scanner it comes with. You can scan the barcode of any item while shopping at a Free People store, and product reviews and style pics of that item appear in seconds – how cool is that? Oh, and one more thing – it’s free! For more about the app click here.

To experience all of the fun behind the App, you can download it here in the iTunes store!

iphone app image

free people app on phone screen

cell phone and shoes

phone in pocket

Happy hearting, sharing, and shopping!

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10 years ago

This looks amazing! Will it be made available in the UK? XX

10 years ago

This is great! Will there be an app for us Android users too?

10 years ago

I already downloaded and just love it!
Altough on my iPad it’s a bit poor~ will you make an app for it, too?
I would heart it so much :3

And thanks for all this awesome inspiration around!!!

10 years ago

Ugh another reason to get an iphone… soooo sick of my android. Making all my friends get this though, so when I go shopping with them, I can use it!

Juliette Laura

10 years ago

Hi is there an AP for android? ?

10 years ago

I will be downloading this today!YAY!

10 years ago

It is so great! I don’t know this news until now. I will download it now.

9 years ago

Will this app be available for Android anytime soon?

8 years ago

Why wont FP put out an android version of its app!!!??? Its really annoying that i have to use my old iphone in order to use it. I hope there are plans to release a verison for everyone else who prefers to use a droid phone.

8 years ago

In case none of you have noticed, free people has always only had products with apple applications and never android. They likely have a deal with them. This is just a way for Apple to compete with android. They will not make an android app.

6 years ago

Free People is my favorite clothing store and it’s really a shame they don’t make this app for Android. I used it all the time when I had an iPhone but didn’t realize there wasn’t an android version when I switched. And more and more people are switching because honestly the quality of iPhone sucks. Whatever deal Free People has with iPhone, I doubt it will be worth it in the near future.

6 years ago

What Sophie said. Switched to the Google pixel 2 and haven’t regretted it. It’s a bummer that there isn’t an Anthropologie or a free people app.

4 years ago

I hope they hurry and make the Android app. They’re really missing out on some cash from those of us who use Androids. I’m not getting an iPhone, so…

4 years ago

So frustrating that there is not an app for Android!!!!!!!

Sara C Nichols
2 years ago

Just got a mailer a few days ago saying that there are exclusive deals thru the app. Like free shipping. As an Android user, I don’t have access, and this isn’t going to persuade me to switch devices. It means that a huge swath of FP fans is being overlooked. Why wouldn’t FP want to target the broadest audience possible?