Monday Quote: Breathings Of Your Heart

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” -William Wordsworth

Whatever you do, do it with passion. Whatever you feel, feel it with every drop of emotion inside of you. Whoever you love, love them with all of your heart.

This quote reminds me to live life with a purpose, and to live a life that is true to myself.

From the depths of your bones to the smile shinning across your face, you are your own person. Let it be known.

More inspirational quotes from the BLDG 25 Blog.

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10 years ago
10 years ago

Thanks for the inspiration! Just pinned this.:)

Happy Monday xo

10 years ago

Great inspiration for a spring week!
Xx, Tiffany |

10 years ago

Hi FP,
I’ve noticed your emails and imagery gets more soft porn each day.
Here it’s nice to see you’re selling a sweater:
Is a crotch shot front and center best possible way to show a sweater?

10 years ago

Just to jump on to what Prema said, I also feel like the photography isn’t really about showing clothes anymore! They’re much more about showing off the models than the clothes. Sometimes you have the model’s entire face in the center of the photo and you can barely see the clothes at all! It’s especially annoying when models are bent over or have their arms crossed so you actually can’t see anything about what’s actually going on with the clothes. Even the coloring and weird fading makes it impossible to get a sense of what the product actually looks like. I think your models are lovely and the photos are very artistic, but as someone that can’t go to a store to check things out in person, it’d be nice if your online photos actually SHOWED the clothes! Just a thought for the future!