Why You Need A Nighttime Routine For Better Sleep

You likely have a morning routine, but it’s all about getting that nighttime routine locked down for great sleep. End your day right with these healthy bedtime habits…from our friends at The Chalkboard Mag.

HOW MANY TIMES have you tucked yourself in, only to stare at the ceiling while your mind runs free: racing through your to-do list or problem-solving things that aren’t really problems? We’ve been there, so we love the idea of an end-of-day routine (coupled with these products for the best beauty sleep ever!) to help ease us into our REM cycle. Janelle Whitaker from Darling Magazine shares some healthy bedtime habits, so you can get your evening ritual dialed-in.

Here’s the scoop on better sleep…

Many of us have heard about the importance of establishing a morning routine in order to boost productivity and kick-start creativity. We know that it is good to find those things that help us best launch into the day ahead but, once we’re off and going, it’s easy to zoom through the entire day at lightning speed until our heads hit the pillow at night.

We’ve flown through the day and feel utterly exhausted. So, why do we have so much trouble falling or staying asleep?


Unless you have a medical condition such as insomnia or sleep apnea (in which case you should consult a medical professional), your sleeping troubles may be easily preventable. By simply formulating a nighttime routine, you can help yourself achieve better, deeper sleep so that you can have more energy and an alert mind for the day ahead.

Here are a few good habits to try when it’s time to turn out the lights…

Set a Healthy Work/Life Balance
According to the CDC, “sleep insufficiency may be caused by broad-scale societal factors such as round-the-clock access to technology and work schedules…”

If you are finding it hard to detach yourself from your work calls or emails, give yourself a daily deadline. For example, let your colleagues or clients know that you turn your email notifications off at 8 p.m. and will respond to any late emails first thing in the morning. While this isn’t always possible in every season of life, do the best you can to respect your time for life outside of work.

Spend evenings hanging out with your family, talking with friends around the table, calling your college roommates, or taking time for yourself. When you’re not constantly bound to your phone and the ping of every email, your mind will feel more calm and ready for rest.


Determine Priorities for Tomorrow
Before you wind down, think of the three most important things you need to accomplish or take part in tomorrow. Write them down in your planner or make a note on your calendar app. This practice will enable your brain to relax knowing what it needs to be ready for tomorrow, and will help you wake with a clear sense of the day’s plan.

Write a Gratitude List
It is far too easy to crawl into bed in a mental state of worry and chaos. Racing thoughts, anxieties, fears, and unsolved problems can prevent us from quickly slipping into slumber. Keep a journal or notepad by your bed and write down a few things you are thankful for at the end of the day — a cozy bed to sleep in, a roof over your head, a nice date, a smile from a stranger — think through your day and find the good. Your mind will quiet and you will rest content.


Prep Your Body
Find a few things you can do nightly that will calm and relax your body. Turn off your electronics at least a half hour before bed. Do some gentle stretching or yoga. Take a hot bath. Read. Write in a journal. Drink some herbal tea. Whatever works for you, do it habitually. Your body will embrace the rhythm, taking the cues that it’s time to calm down and go to sleep.

This post comes from The Chalkboard Mag. Check out their website and Instagram!

Photos by our blog intern, Monica

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8 years ago

I love the thought of writing everything down what’s on your mind right before going to sleep, I haven’t thought about that! Although I sleep well I sometimes lie awake thinking about things…so thank you for this!

8 years ago

Love the idea of establishing a nighttime routine. I have actually been doing something similar. When it’s time for bed I wind down by turning off the big light in my bedroom and only having my fairy lights on, draw the blinds closed, write down one positive thing that happened that day, put on some music, and drift off into slumberland. I do think though, that establishing a nighttime ritual is a lot easier when single and I know I would have a harder time keeping this up with a partner.

Rae of Love from Berlin

8 years ago

While all of those mind-racing issues plague me on a fairly regular basis, I’ve recently been using an app that lets me mix and match sound files to make a combination that actually helps lull me to sleep, it also lets me set a time limit for when it shuts itself off. It’s called Relax Melodies, but there are numerous meditation/relaxation sound apps out there.

8 years ago

I think shutting out work is the biggest thing. When I clock out (of course, I am hourly), I do not take any phone calls or emails… not from clients, not from my boss, not from a coworker. If I don’t get that mental reset time I’ll sleep pitifully and be grumpy all the time. :( I do a nightly relaxing skin care routine too because there is something so relaxing about cleansing and exfoliating right before bed.

8 years ago

I am all for the healthy work/life balance. It’s amazing how easily it is to neglect ourselves. I too have a rule about not answering emails after a certain time. It also helps me spend more quality time with the people around me. Great post!