Share the Love: Clean Water Fund

100% of proceeds from our Love Shop will benefit 3 organizations in their efforts to protect the environment, animals in need, and girls everywhere. 

The Clean Water Fund — protecting water and health, from watershed to water tap.

Since 1974, they have helped people campaign successfully for cleaner and safer water, cleaner air, and protection from toxic pollution in our homes, neighborhoods and workplaces. Organizations and coalitions formed and assisted by Clean Water Fund have worked together to improve environmental conditions, prevent or clean up health-threatening pollution in hundreds of communities and to strengthen policies locally and nationally.

Here to talk a little about her relationship — and passion — for cleaner water is our friend, Mina Young Lee.

Describe yourself in 5 words.
Adventurous, curious, tenacious, creative, passionate.

Define clean water.

Clean drinking water is essentially water which is safe to drink. Clean ocean water is water free of contaminants like oils, plastic, foreign object… things which can create a hazardous living environment for the species that call it home… It is water suitable for all living things, to be consumed and used without posing any health risks.

How did your passion for and appreciation of clean water come to be?

All life on earth requires water to survive. 783 million people do not have access to clean water. 2.5 billion people do not have access to adequate sanitation. It is estimated that, by 2050, the sea will be full of more plastic than fish. As the temperature on earth rises, clean water will continue to grow more and more scarce.

What you do to “fight” on its behalf?

Awareness is worth spreading, as well as sharing the ways that people can be more conscious about their water consumption and the way their everyday actions affect the environment.

What can others do?
If you live in an area where droughts are a threat, or even if you don’t, it can help to be conscious about conserving water. Here’s a good site with more information: We can also choose to support organizations and companies whose missions are to protect the environment and provide communities in need with clean water. (ie. Clean Water Fund, Lifestraw, Waves for Water, and so on)

What’s the most beautiful body of water you’ve ever seen? Why?

The most beautiful body of water I have ever seen? The Messenian Gulf. I remember walking into the crystal clear ocean water and seeing my feet, as well as everything on the ocean floor. I haven’t seen water that clear since that day back in 2008.

What does the word “free” mean to you?

Whenever I think of the word “free” I think of its opposite image — a bird trapped inside of a cage. The space inside of that cage limits the very thing the bird was blessed with — the ability to spread its f’ing wings and fly. To me, “free” doesn’t have a cage.

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1. Amazing photos. 2. Interesting read, I’ll be researching more on the Clean Water Fund!

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

7 years ago

These are stunning photos! It makes me inspired. Thanks for this.

Lucie xx

7 years ago

Such beautiful pictures!



7 years ago

Where are the locations in these images??

7 years ago

wow! that place is looking so awesome and water is so clear. Stunning photos you shared.

7 years ago

I’ve never seen water as blue as that, it’s beautiful!

6 years ago

the water in the second pic is really awesome. its clean and pure.