
These cool projections have been popping up on the sides of buildings in Bristol, UK, thanks to the Watermarks Project.
From their website:
Sea levels are rising due to climate change… but how much could they rise and how quickly? And how could this affect the city of Bristol?
Watermarks is a public art project that will use a series of large-scale projections at sites across the centre of the city to explore these questions.

For a gallery of the projections, see the Watermarks Project’s website.
Via It’s Nice That.

our city dreams

I’m really excited about this documentary called “Our City Dreams” about 5 female artists in New York. I won’t pretend I can explain it better than this, so here is the description from the Film Forum site:
CHIARA CLEMENTE’S AFFECTING LOVE LETTER TO THE CITY STRINGS TOGETHER THE SELF-TOLD NARRATIVES OF FIVE WOMEN ARTISTS (ages 30 – 80), each of whom has a passion for making art inseparable from her devotion to New York. Swoon, the youngest, exhibits cut-outs directly on city walls and subways, and exudes idealism and energy while carrying a two by four the way some women would a briefcase. Cairoborn Ghada Amer mixes media — embroidering with painting — to confront sexual taboos that cross cultural boundaries. After experiencing The New York Dolls in San Francisco, Kiki Smith realized she needed the energy of the big city to create her wildly influential paintings and sculptures; Marina Abramovic, originally of Belgrade, is a performance art pioneer who often uses her own body as a canvas. And Nancy Spero returned from Paris with artist-husband Leon Golub in 1964, to meld art and activism during the Vietnam War and become, in her own words, “a woman warrior.” Ronnie Scheib in Variety writes that the film is “exquisitely crafted” and “ranks as a work of art itself.”
There’s an exclusive clip on The Moment blog, and you might recognize one of the artists, Swoon, from a post on the free people blog a while back!


Inspired by Marcel Duchamp’s Eau de Voilette and starring Michelle Williams and Natalie Portman, this short art film is an advertisement for a ficitional perfume and sure to be beautiful and interesting. If that doesn’t already get you thinking, the film is directed by Roman Polanski and was conceived by Francesco Vezzoli. I can’t wait for the online screening on February 6th on Dazed Digital.
Head over to Dazed now for the trailer, and then mark your calendar for the 6th!

brendan monroe

Ever since I saw this picture on Booooooom, I can’t stop looking at it! I’m not sure if it’s the really textural stuff the people are standing in, or the total lack of stuff in the top part of the picture. (Other than the bits flying off the person’s hands.) I just really like it! It’s by Brendan Monroe, and if you are intrigued too, you should check out the post Booooooom did about him. You’ll find many more interesting works with lots of movement in them.