Saturday DO

DO: Stay in touch









It’s funny how life events coincide around similar themes to get you thinking. I went back to my hometown for visit the other weekend and brought a good friend from Philly along. I got to see some old friends and spent quality time with family. The warmth I felt from seeing everyone made for a good weekend, and also coincided with the conversation my friend and I had had on the car ride up.

She was telling me about an article she read that summarized the top five life regrets people report on their deathbed – one of which was losing touch with friends. They wished that they hadn’t let themselves get so caught up in the day-to-day here and now, and instead, picked up the phone or written a letter once in a while. People who once really mattered got lost in the mix of life, but in the end what’s going to matter is who you’ve loved and who loves you back.

In the days following my visit my thoughts resonated on this article and my hometown visit. Some of my friends weren’t around when I was home, and I found myself wanting to give them a call. I’ve vowed to try and do better at staying in touch, so that I don’t let those people get away. Especially today, with all of our technology – smart phones and email – there’s no excuse to not take a little bit of time. Learn from what the dying have said and stay in touch. When you come to the end of your road, you don’t want to be looking back with the same regrets.

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Saturday DO

DO: five sun salutations each day, for 30 days.

Over the holiday, I stayed around Philadelphia while a lot of my friends went out of town. With a lot of time to myself, I did a lot of internet surfing during which I came across a blog (now I don’t remember which) where the blogger was talking about their self challenge to do five sun salutations a day, for 30 days. I decided to wipe myself of my previous “I can’t workout at home” mentality, and commit to the same challenge.

I went upstairs to my bedroom, rolled out my yoga mat, and intending to do five sun salutations, ended up doing an entire yoga routine – for an hour! I’ve decided that there is no reason to not do yoga at home. It’s actually even better in some ways. You can move at your own pace, and really hold a pose that feels good to you instead of moving at the teacher’s pace.

Last week I mentioned how I want this New Year to be all about balance. I’ve continued to do my five sun salutations a day in efforts to keep this thought in the front of my mind. On some days I’m in the mood to do more, and on some I do just the salutations. Either way, I get a moment of calmness where I’m completely in tune with my own body. I think this is important for my goal since the first step to getting balance, is knowing what is going on with yourself. I feel like I’m getting stronger, more flexible, and most importantly, a more balanced mentality.

Try it out! Do five sun salutations for thirty days straight.

For those of you who don’t know what a sun salutation is, click on the image above for a how-to video. :)

Saturday DO

DO: acknowledge it






The past few days I found myself in a bit of a funk. I felt out of it and I was getting down on myself for feeling out of it. I’m typically a pretty upbeat happy person, so when I get like this, it’s really unsettling. My mind quickly shoots to, how am I going to make this better? I find myself acknowledging what is wrong – what it is that I don’t like about myself, and how I’m going to work to fix it. I come up with plans in my head: certain practices or consistent efforts that I think will combat my troubling flaws.

In retrospect, I realized how important it is to make note at times like this. We all have faults, and sometimes it’s good to mindfully recognize what they are. You can assess how you feel about them – if they’re something that really bothers you and something that you want to change. It’s about acknowledgement. Actively acknowledging how you feel and what’s making you upset. Without it, you can’t change.

On the flip side – it’s also important to acknowledge the things that make you happy. Take note of what those things are, and work to incorporate them into your life as much as possible. It sounds easy – but sometimes it’s really hard to know what you want and what you don’t.

Either way, happy or sad, it’s productive to acknowledge how you’re feeling and why.