Yoga: Relax Your Mind

Sometimes everything just gets a little crazy in your mind: too much work, too many thoughts, not enough balance of the right things that make you feel like you.  Your heart starts pounding and your head aches and that’s not a good way to be for anyone. It leads to less productivity and less passion and no one wants that.

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Monday Quote

“Mockingbirds are the true artists of the bird kingdom. Which is to say, although they’re born with a song of their own, mockingbirds aren’t content to merely play the hand that is dealt them. Like all artists, they are out to rearrange reality.”

– Tom Robbins


Makeup Monday: Chanel Resort 2013

Chanel’s latest resort collection was reminiscent of Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette film. Pastel colours were not only in the clothes but trailed all the way to the hair and makeup.

The look… powdered wigs, rosy cheeks, painted lips which all fell in nicely with the French Versailles Palace where the collection was hosted. It may seem a bit much to wear on a daily basis, but we loved how fun the overall look appeared.

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Wheatgrass Shots

Our café here at the Free People home offices started serving wheatgrass shots a couple of weeks ago. I had read a bit about them before, so I was eager to try one out and learn more. I caught up the manager, Chris, and he walked me through the sourcing and process of it all. Here’s everything you need to know to make your very own. Read More