5 Ways To Follow Free People!

These days, if you want to keep in touch with your favorite brand (ahem, Us), you’ve got plenty of ways to do it. Endless social media outlets and apps can feel overwhelming and we want to make sure you know where to find our favorite photos, blog posts, and trends.  To stay organized and connected, read (and click!) our list of all the ways you can follow and communicate with Free People. Read More

Blogger Diary: London Flashbacks

After my freshman year of college, I spent a summer studying in London. It was a unique program that had a tremendously profound impact on me and my life. About 25 of us spent the summer living in a house in the gorgeous Notting Hill neighborhood. Our classes consisted of English literature, which featured books written in and around London, English poetry, and theater, which gave us the opportunity to see a different play each week in various theaters around the city. I did this at a time when I was leaving a lot behind and it was extremely difficult, but the second I walked out of the airport and was greeted by the sweetest, friendliest cab driver I’ve ever encountered, I never looked back. Read More

Menswear Trend: 2 Ways To Wear Tailored Pants

The menswear trend is a perfect transition from your light and summery days into a more masculine fall wardrobe. There’s something about borrowing from the boys that gives you a certain cool attitude that transmits an “I mean business” personality. Read More

Dreaming Of Cool Days By The Ocean And Cozy Sweaters

When fall comes, wild oceans flow rapidly in my mind; stormy seas and grey skies, water so angry it doesn’t know what to do with itself. The music it makes, the swirling, the crashing and the hissing sends shivers down my spine and brings to me magnificent stories. Beach strolls on grey days can be such a beautiful experience. Read More