Blogger Diary: Memories

I’m always grateful for photography, I’m grateful because I’m always reminded of memories every time I see a snapshot of my life. I can spend hours running through old photographs from when I was a young child to more recent photos. They send chills down my spine, loving memories captured in one shot. Read More

3 Ingredient Eye Makeup Remover: A Quick Beauty DIY

This is a guest post from Johnie Gall from

When it comes to makeup, there’s one thing we can’t live without: eye makeup remover. But break down all of those foreign-looking ingredients on the back and we’re suddenly not as stoked to slather the store-bought version on our delicate eye area. So, we whipped up this easy DIY recipe for eye makeup remover with only three, inexpensive and gentle ingredients. Read More

Inspiring Words For The Week Ahead: Be Happy

Today, think about the things that make you happy, some people are always brought down by negative thoughts, but there’s really no need to be. Think about all the things that make you happy and the little things that happen in life that you should cherish and appreciate every single day. Think happy thoughts and your life will be pretty. Read More