Free People Horoscopes, February 18-24

Horoscopes by Tracy Allen

pisces star sign illustrationPISCES

February 19–March 20

The luminous sun enters your sign this week, imbuing you with a vitality that’s quickly diffused by the sun’s encounter with your hazy ruler Neptune. You may not notice the diluted quality of the energy, given that you’re already an ethereal Pisces. But you may notice your yearning intensifying and your confidence strengthening. As serious Saturn goes retrograde in your vision sector and pensive Mercury follows suit in your sign, you’ll naturally start to turn inward. You need this time to find new inspiration within yourself and to reweave your dreams. Retrogrades are perfectly suited to going back over areas of our lives and working out what might be keeping us from moving forward as planned. To review means to see again. What does the universe want you to see with fresh eyes?


aries star sign illustrationARIES

March 21–April 19

The outside world recedes as the sun dips into your seclusion sector this week and meets up with vaporizing Neptune. In addition, Mercury turns retrograde in that part of your chart, while Saturn does the same in your hidden-matters house. So even if you’re not literally hiding out at home, you are holed up in your psyche. Although this dearth of external action goes against your nature, you’re better off accepting that you need to honor your interior life now. Being must sometimes take precedence over doing. Pay more attention than usual to your dreams and ask yourself what messages they hold. Make time for spirituality or R&R. Since you’re feeling less extroverted than usual, direct your bravery toward an exploration of your own feelings rather than an outside mission.


taurus star sign illustrationTAURUS

April 20–May 20

You may find yourself building castles in the air when the sun joins idealistic Neptune in your house of hopes and wishes. You need something from people that you’re not getting, and you crave a sense of belonging. As Saturn begins to backtrack in your partnership angle and Mercury does the same in your groups zone, security in your relationships may elude you. Your confusion over your dealings with others goes hand in hand with confusion over what’s next. If you can’t quite find your place in the scheme of things right now, you need to know that that’s okay. It’s as it should be, especially in a week where two planets are going retrograde. Explore your feelings about boundaries and merging with others to find the sticking points.


gemini star sign illustrationGEMINI

May 21–June 20

Your work stalls or meanders as two planets turn retrograde in your tasks and ambition houses this week. And although the sun brings his vibrancy to your career angle, he collides with murky Neptune soon after, dispersing your focus. You can’t stop thinking about your goals, but your thinking is fuzzy, with Mercury—your ruling planet—backpedaling in dreamy Pisces. Gemini’s take on Mercury has to do with information gathering and distribution, fueled by curiosity. Mercury in Pisces is neither as quick nor as simple as Gemini would like. Information comes in through intuition and goes out via the imagination. If you adapt to these conditions, you can rethink career matters and other goals in a creative way that enables you to approach them differently after the planets resume direct motion.


cancer star sign illustrationCANCER

June 21–July 22

The sun infuses your vision sector with fresh energy this week, but its brush with impalpable Neptune may plunge you into daydreams about the future that blur the line between fantasy and reality. As Mercury goes retrograde in this area of your chart, preceded by Saturn’s retrograde turn in your creativity zone, the importance of your internal process is stressed. Seeking the truth within yourself becomes a higher priority than fact-finding. You need to stretch the bounds of your imagination and let inspired ideas and a thirst for travel and knowledge fill your mind with enthusiasm for the future. While planetary retrogrades press pause on our external progress, they enable us to take another look at what we’ve been building toward and find what’s needed to revivify it before we move forward again.


leo star sign illustrationLEO

July 23–August 22

After your ruler the sun enters your intimacy zone this week and connects with elusive Neptune, mental Mercury turns retrograde there, putting an unquestionable emphasis on your personal life. You may be vulnerable to deception in a close relationship because you’re seeing what you want to see in someone. Or you might be discouraged by low energy and the feeling that you’re merely drifting along at the moment. Despite the intensity of your emotions, it’s not a great time to try to communicate what you’re feeling. Rather, examine issues around trust, sexuality and jealousy and unpack karmic baggage that you’ve carried with you since childhood. Work on yourself, as opposed to trying to rescue someone else—a temptation that’s likely to arise now.


virgo star sign illustrationVIRGO

August 23–September 22

As the sun crosses your partnership angle, it becomes more important to you to know where you stand with others, but the sun’s subsequent encounter with murky Neptune, coupled with mental Mercury’s retrograde turn, make that next to impossible. Complicating matters further, structured Saturn turns retrograde in your cognition-and-communication house, inverting your thought process and holding your tongue. As much as you’re interacting with other people now, it can feel like you’re backtracking over the same issues. You like to be able to pin things down, but you need to understand that’s not possible right now. Making your peace with uncertainty will free you to rethink things from a perspective wide enough for possibilities your analytic mind isn’t given to entertaining.


libra star sign illustrationLIBRA

September 23–October 22

The supercharged sun’s meeting with foggy Neptune in your responsibilities sector is followed by cerebral Mercury’s retrograde turn there this week. This planetary picture means completing tasks may take Herculean effort. Instead of laboring uphill, pause and look at how you do things. Examine your work methods, your conscious routines and your unconscious habits. Think about how you spend your time and ask yourself whether you’re pursuing your true calling. Are you serving a higher purpose than ego fulfillment and financial survival? If not, do you want to be? Have you made some form of spiritual practice a part of your day, and if not, would you like to? Lastly, with strict Saturn turning retrograde in your resources zone, if the money you earn through your work is not what you feel it should be, how can you revamp your career plan in the long run to bolster your finances and your confidence?


scorpio star sign illustrationSCORPIO

October 23–November 21

The sun’s merger with Neptune and Mercury’s entry into its retrograde phase both take place in your self-expression house this week, while Saturn turns retrograde in your sign. The consequent introspective mood may make you seem a bit narcissistic, but a certain amount of navel-gazing is necessary for your growth. You’ll withdraw even further than you already have, in order to work on boundary issues and develop your inner authority. You’ll feel a diminishment of the ego as you come to grips with your inability to control some things. And you’ll experience a continued isolation as you grapple with a loss or depression or the feeling of being trapped. Your knowledge of aloneness is countered by the temptation to yearn hopelessly for ideal love. Communication—especially with a love interest or a child—is difficult now, and you may instead end up going over and over a conversation in your head. Rather than immersing yourself in melancholy or daydreams, probe your metamorphosing true self to find the germinating seed that’s crucial to getting unstuck.


sagittarius star sign illustrationSAGITTARIUS

November 22–December 21

The sun dives into your domestic zone and meets up with evasive Neptune there, making this another week when you’ll be saying, “There’s no place like home.” Mindful Mercury also goes retrograde in that angle of your chart, so your thoughts are inevitably centered around your abode. Meanwhile, Saturn goes retrograde in your seclusion sector, making life in the outside world a mere abstraction. Go with the flow by hunkering down and indulging in some harmless escapism like a movie marathon. But also take advantage of the insight that can come from quiet introspection. You may be dwelling on memories more than usual or feeling blue over a drawn-out ending or something you haven’t been able to complete. Or a heavy dream may stick in your head. Use this time to delve into personal issues such as these and to learn what you can from them.


capricorn star sign illustrationCAPRICORN

December 22–January 19

The pace of life quickens as the energizing sun moves into your communication zone this week, putting you in more frequent contact with people. But the sun’s rendezvous with disorienting Neptune and mental Mercury’s retrograde motion spell confusion and crossed wires. Your brain is buzzing, but the information you’re getting and giving may not be altogether straightforward and accurate. And when your ruler Saturn goes retrograde as well, you’ll feel the frustration of things not going according to plan, a state of affairs that’s anathema to Caps. Instead of resisting this shift, adjust to it by making full use of your imagination, your creativity and your intuition. Revisit things in your head, but don’t push for progress on them. Put active networking on hold in favor of restructuring what’s next.


aquarius star sign illustrationAQUARIUS

January 20–February 18

Sound financial decisions are unlikely this week, as the sun collides with deluded Neptune in your money sector and thinker Mercury turns retrograde there. You’re feeling uncertain about your resources and unsure of yourself. At the same time, goal-oriented Saturn turns retrograde in your career angle, slowing your climb to the top. Try not to get too impatient. This is the perfect time to reassess your professional life and your finances so you can see what needs to change. More than a superficial analysis is called for here; your situation requires a deeper look into how money, work, ambition and confidence tie together. Once you’ve ruminated sufficiently, you may not end up proceeding in the direction you expected, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But you don’t need to proceed at all right now; you simply need to reevaluate.


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11 years ago

This is so dead on. Thanks!!!

11 years ago

i love that white top in the picture. is it free people?

11 years ago

This is actually creepily accurate.

11 years ago

Wow this is spooky how it relates so accurately to me. Thank you =]