Monday Quote: Go To Nature

 “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more.” –John Burroughs

Nature is my key source for inspiration. If I’m in a creative rut or if I’m feeling off and anxious, the first thing I do is step outside and immerse myself in the beauty that earth has provided. The smell of fresh air or the sight of mountains sparks something inside me and I immediately feel balanced. If you’re having a hard day or personal stress seems to be building up, try spending some time outdoors. Taking a hike or relaxing in a hammock under a tree could be exactly what you need to feel right again. When it’s just you and nature, all worries seem to disappear and a canvas for positive thought opens.


Photos by Jana

More inspirational quotes from the BLDG 25 Blog.

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10 years ago

It’s interesting how people are so drawn to and soothed by nature. I find Nature to be a great source of inspiration too. Just going for a walk outside calms my nerves and gives me a fresh perspective on things when I am stressed.