Stillness Of Mind

First day of rain.
Woke up.
Wide eyed and ready for nothing.
Kissed my love. Crept out of bed… tip of the toe-ing down the steel spiral staircase.
Sheer gown and boots, collecting kindling in that first rain stench of heaven.
Kettle on… wood speaking that perfect hiss, pop, sizzle. Exhaling every breath deeply, naturally.
James, Carly, Crosby and Nash.
Dylan is here too… usually is… speaking his reasons of rhymes unobtrusively…
“A person is a success if they get up in the morning and get to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.”
Rockin’ slow on our little creaky rocker.
Today… today I am thoroughly content with stillness and ease.
Happy Fall to you all.





amy harmonica

I’ll be spending the weekend practicing this here harmonica, wandering through our backyard Northern California Redwoods, and running through wet dewy fields. Hope your weekends are filled with all things that make you full and happy.
Much Love.

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10 years ago

Thanks Amy, I love the morning inspiration <3 Joni is with me in the mornings to start the day =)
xoxo Annejelina

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10 years ago

i used to live in north cali coast with the redwoods. so beautiful.

10 years ago

i love this post!! x

10 years ago

Wow, this is so pure, simple, honest, truly beautiful and inspiring. Thank you very much.

10 years ago

I could see and smell all of these moments. Early mornings are my favorite times for reflection. Thank you for this simply beautiful post.

10 years ago
10 years ago

beautiful, beautiful mmmm yes yes – what a vivid yet atmosphérique’ misty still of moment you’ve brought to life to share. much love.

10 years ago

So eloquent and beautifully written : )
I have been absolutely loving the rain lately.