Monday Quote: You’re Awake

Legend says that when you can’t sleep at night it’s because you’re awake in someone else’s dream.

You’re restless. Tossing and turning, one can’t seem to get comfortable. Although it’s silent, and the only bit of light is from the moon, you just can’t seem to drift away. Sleep isn’t here yet. You might not know where it is, but Sleep itself knows, and it’s hiding until that other person’s dream you’re awake in says it’s okay to come out…

More inspirational quotes from the BLDG 25 Blog.

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10 years ago

this is so beautiful!

10 years ago

Wow, that’s so interesting…especially because I couldn’t get to sleep last night. Usually I’m pretty much “out cold” a few moments after I lay my head on the pillow…but last night I couldn’t sleep… sounds like an intriguing idea for a story… who’s dream was I in?

10 years ago

This is honestly beautiful. Personally, I think it’s worth it to stay awake if it means brightening up someone else’s dream.

9 years ago

just great quote i passing it ty

6 years ago

That is crazy I woke up at 2 or 3 in the morning and couldn’t go back to sleep normally I am sleep the whole night and wake up at 10am

Chris Colvin
4 years ago

I believe there’s a novel here especially if you are their nightmare

3 years ago

That started happening to me at age 14 and can’t ,also don’t feel restless ,same situation ,just stay up awoke at night ,wonder at my whole family sleeping just lay on bed ,and see the scene or think anything else ,but who so ever is dreaming ,not good for me ,I wanna sleep,but well interesting ,I wonder who might be,but I loved that ,enjoying sleepless nights in someone else’s dreams

1 year ago

I just outta nowhere woke up at 11:30pm and couldn’t go back to sleep trying to figure out why i almost fell asleep but when I put my phone down my eyes went wide open it’s already been an hour since I woke