Take Your Juice Routine to the Next Level

For many, morning juice has become a must. Each day, bleary-eyed, we chop and feed fresh produce through our juicer, eagerly awaiting the creamy rich goodness to wake us up. We have our favorite flavor combinations down.

But what I’m about to tell you will open it up to a whole new level. It’s the game of playing with herbal infusions.

Cinnamon, chamomile, mint, ginger, and turmeric — all of them have extreme health benefits and can take the flavors of your juice to new heights. I like to brew a sort of tea with my desired herb (or combination of herbs), stash it in the fridge, and use it all week long in combination with my morning juice. Below are two recipes to get you started. Once you figure out the simple process, use the same method to experiment with other flavor combinations and let us know what you find!


Carrot Infused with Chamomile & Ginger


  • 1 Tbs Chamomile Flowers
  • 2 inches Ginger, peeled
  • 3 cups Water
  • 5 carrots
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 apple


  1. In a crockpot, brew ginger & chamomile flowers with 3 cups water for approx. 4 hours. You can also brew on the stovetop for approx. 1 hr.
  2. Cool the brew until it reaches room temperature. You can also stick it in the fridge.
  3. Fill a 16 oz. mason jar a quarter of the way with your herbal brew. Juice the rest of the vegetables. Shake to mix, and drink.

red juice

Strawberry Infused with Cinnamon & Vanilla


  • 2 sticks cinnamon
  • 1 vanilla Bean
  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 pear
  • 1 grapefruit


  1. In a crockpot, brew cinnamon and vanilla bean with 3 cups water for approx. 4 hours. You can also brew on the stovetop for approx. 1 hr.
  2. Cool brew until it reaches room temperature. You can also stick it in the fridge.
  3. Fill a 16 oz. mason jar a quarter of the way with your herbal brew. Blend strawberries and banana, then add mixture to the mason jar. Juice pear & grapefruit into the mixture. Shake and drink.

juice 4

Follow Naomi on Instagram @NumieAbbot

Check out Naomi’s blog Numie Abbot

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Hypnotica Vintage
9 years ago

I love fresh turmeric in juice.

9 years ago

My mother is an avid juicer, maybe I should try!
xoxo Kennedy
Northern Indigo

9 years ago

Hi fp naomi, I really want to start juicing, what kind of juicer do you own?

9 years ago

Both of those sound amazing! Going to try the strawberry one this week.

9 years ago

what a great thought…i love adding turmeric and ginger to my juices


9 years ago

How much turmeric do you use? Thanks