Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of December 22–28

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December 22–January 19

While your ruling planet Saturn was in your hopes-and-humanity sector these past couple of years, your attention was on your role in a group, your contribution to the greater good, the quality of your affiliations, the support that you get from the circle of people in your life, your accountability to others and your ideals and objectives. A friendship—or ties to an organization—was tested and perhaps even severed. Teamwork might have been a humbling experience, as Saturn tends to demand that you get past your ego and play by the rules. But now that Saturn is entering the last house in your chart, it’s appropriate to pull away from people’s expectations and go within. This is a time to let go of old pieces of your identity, people who no longer serve your growth, outdated goals and guilt that you’ve been dragging around with you. Reflect on your past, but don’t judge failures. Cut your losses. The solitude that you require for soul-searching could turn into isolation; this is a very spiritual phase, and you need to allow yourself to be guided by intuition, dreams, imagination and your connection to the divine. Be advised that you’re bound to need more rest.



January 20–February 18

With Saturn in your ambition angle since October 2012, you’ve been working hard to achieve your goals, manifest your purpose in life and gain some measure of respect from a parent, boss, mentor or society in general. You’ve been in the spotlight and possibly experienced a fall from grace as you learned how high you could climb. Hopefully you attained status, power, success or authority during this period. You’ve been focused on making an impression on the world, and as Saturn enters your groups-and-wishes house this week, your focus will shift to weaving your singular thread into the fabric of humanity. Examine your social commitments, your role in various groups, your support team, your need for approval and any collective causes that you’re committed to. Some associations in your personal and professional lives will be tested, helping you to understand who you are in relation to others. You need other people in order to grow now, so strive to integrate and cooperate. Turn your attention to new objectives, shared ideals and networking. Contemplate what direction to take next and who is best suited to going on that journey with you. Commit to giving back to your community, and do your best to make the world a better place.



February 19–March 20

As Saturn leaves your expansion sector this week after more than two years there, recognize how much you’ve learned during that time. Not only do you have more knowledge, but your life also probably has more meaning. You’ve examined your beliefs, gained a greater understanding of the world and studied hard in preparation for achieving your goals. Hopefully you took in the big picture and figured out how to play the game of life with more success. And you developed your own set of principles and views. Saturn climbs to the top of your chart this week, compelling you to focus intently on your aspirations in the coming three years. Try to understand what lies behind your ambition. Ask yourself what success means to you, and put your abilities to the test. Be guided by your own expectations of yourself, and pursue a position of authority. Overcome your fear of failure, and cope with the stress that can go along with maintaining a high profile. You’ll be much more visible, as you strive to live up to your potential and fulfill your purpose in life. Challenge yourself to be a leader, to make your mark, to accomplish what you’ve dreamed of and earned.



March 21–April 19

In the past couple of years, Saturn has pushed you to face a fear, learn how to share your life with someone else, attend to an unresolved psychological complex, work on a financial issue or go deeper into something that feels intense. There may have been some dark nights of the soul as you underwent a difficult transformation. With Saturn moving into your outlook zone this week, you’ll begin to synthesize your experiences and formulate a new philosophy. A quest for understanding and meaning can lead you to a sense of the big picture and your place in it. One of your main tasks now is to become a wiser, more conscious human being. Focus on what you need to learn in preparation for making a worthwhile contribution to the world. Your life direction is probably shifting, and you can start to really dedicate yourself to a different path in the next few years if it seems appropriate to do so. This is a time to explore new horizons with great purpose, not just to shake things up. Endeavor to build a personal framework of beliefs without becoming rigid or dogmatic. Your faith may be tested, but that will likely strengthen it in the long run.



April 20–May 20

Since October 2012, Saturn has been hovering in your relationship angle, forcing you to face the reality of give-and-take. You learned a lot about what is required to make things work between you and another person, and a relationship was probably tested. Maybe you even parted ways with someone. With Saturn segueing into your merging house this week, you’ll be delving even deeper into the inner workings of relationships in the next few years. The emphasis on real intimacy means you won’t be in a frame of mind to court casual encounters. Combining your values, resources, money and sexuality with someone else’s is messy. If things start to feel a bit heavy, dark or intense at times, remind yourself that your sign isn’t known for crumbling under pressure. This is your chance to face a fear, heal a wound in your psyche and learn more about who you are in relationship to others. You need to undergo a death-and-rebirth process in order to transform something within yourself and draw personal power from a deep well of strength and healing. If it seems that you’re not getting the financial or emotional support you need, look for a lesson about interdependence in that.



May 21–June 20

For the past couple of years, you’ve been working very hard, thanks to Saturn’s ongoing presence in your productivity sector. You’ve probably felt somewhat burdened by responsibilities, but you were laying the groundwork for the threshold that you’ll cross this week when Saturn enters your relationship angle. If you’ve instituted a better health regimen, polished your skills, streamlined your routine or developed more positive habits, those type of self-improvement efforts were like your internship before taking on the task of integrating all that you are into your connections with others. This is an appropriate time to go public with something you’ve been working on and to enter into a committed relationship or a business partnership. Hopefully you’re feeling healthier and more whole than you used to, thus ready to engage seriously with others. As you become increasingly aware of the delicate balancing act of equal partnership, a relationship is likely to be tested. If you notice that you’ve outgrown one, it could very well end. But you may also get more serious with someone, deciding to do the work to keep it going. Strive to gain insight into your relationship patterns. Withdraw your projections whenever possible, so you can see what is really there.



June 21–July 22

Since Saturn moved into your self-expression sector in October 2012, you’ve learned to take your creativity, happiness and love life more seriously. You may have felt gloomy at times, with such a sobering planet camped out in the house associated with fun, joy and romance. But hopefully you decided to work for what your heart desires and to commit to being a fulfilled, well-rounded person who enjoys the life you’ve earned for yourself. You became a more authentic version of you as you examined what you have to offer the world. Now that Saturn is entering your efficiency zone this week, you’re really going to get down to business. In the next couple of years, you’ll need to focus on honing your craft; listening to your body and taking better care of it; developing more productive habits; learning new skills and perfecting old ones; taking on more responsibilities; putting your resources, such as natural talents, to good use; solving problems; revising plans; and using your time wisely. There may be moments when you feel bored (or boring!), burnt out, frustrated or sluggish. Be disciplined in how you apply your energy, and try to see how necessary and productive this phase really is.



July 23–August 22

Since fall 2012, Saturn has been hanging at the bottom of your chart, bringing you to an emotional turning point. You can’t change the past, but you can change your perception of it and build a secure foundation based on what you now know. You’ve gotten in touch with private feelings and put your house in order, so to speak—perhaps literally. If you’ve come to terms with what has brought you to this point in life, you’re ready to move forward, separating from your roots. Knowing where you come from prepares you to understand who you are as an individual. Saturn’s entry into your fulfillment zone this week initiates three years of focusing on Leo matters: creativity, love, joy, children, play and self-expression. During this period, you’re urged to take yourself seriously and take responsibility for your own happiness. Romance, art and leisurely pursuits will not feel light, because there’s a stronger sense of commitment now. Work to learn about yourself and to bring out the best you have to offer. Give form to what’s in your heart. Don’t avoid people or activities when life feels hard. Try to discover what love, pleasure and happiness really mean to you. And strive to conquer the fear of being yourself.



August 23–September 22

With Saturn in your mindset house these last two years, you’ve become more aware of your default modes of thinking and how they limit you. If you’ve identified habitual ways of processing information, hopefully some inner truths have emerged in contrast. You’re closer to seeing the world through an objective lens than you were before. You may even be communicating with a greater sense of authority than you used to. This week, Saturn crosses your roots angle, where he’ll remain for the next three years. Your attention will turn to the ways in which your background has influenced your feelings, as opposed to your thoughts. Your perception of the past is likely to be altered by this period of self-reflection, and you should try to find the lessons in what got you to where you are now. Examine family patterns and their effect on you. Tap into your innermost feelings and try to understand them without judging them. Find the strength in the core of your being, and build a foundation for the future based on this inner security. Know where you come from, but also be able to extricate yourself from your backstory and define who you are from the inside out.



September 23–October 22

The past couple of years taught you some hard lessons about finances, possessions, values, priorities, self-esteem and resources. With Saturn in your worth house, you likely suffered from a lack mentality. The universe didn’t seem very bountiful, and you worried about getting your needs met. Or maybe you felt like you weren’t enough somehow. Saturn forced you to build up your confidence, structure a budget, shore up your assets, become more disciplined with your money and recognize what’s important to you and what you have going for you. Saturn moves into your cognition-and-communication sector this week and will remain there for about three years. During this time, try to become more aware of your habitual thought patterns and how they color the lens you view life through. Default modes of thinking wear grooves in your brain that may not serve you. You learned how to think in childhood, and now it’s appropriate to unlearn it to some extent. Endeavor to construct a mental framework based on your inner truth. If you feel intellectually inferior at times, try to understand that your mind is becoming more focused and discerning. Don’t let serious thinking veer into negativity. Organize your ideas, focus on studying or writing and communicate responsibly and honestly.



October 23–November 21

Saturn is leaving your sign this week, where he’s been lingering for more than two years. Look back and recognize the ways in which he’s shown you what you’re made of. You learned a great deal about yourself while the taskmaster planet was putting you through your paces. He compelled you to mature, become more accountable to yourself, get your life in order and define yourself on your own terms. No one but you knows what you’ve been through; it’s been challenging, to say the least. But rest assured that you’re stronger and wiser because of it. Now Saturn is segueing into your worth zone, where he’ll stay for the next few years. Turn your attention to your finances, possessions, self-esteem, values and resources. Take stock of what you’ve got going for you. Get real with yourself when it comes to what you need, what you value and what your self-worth is based on. Your limitations and flaws may be overly emphasized, so avoid self-criticism. If Saturn seems to be taking something away, look for the lesson rather than letting fear of lack run your life. Don’t hope for a windfall; focus on stabilizing your assets and slowing shoring up your security over time.



November 22–December 21

Saturn has been at the end of your chart since autumn 2012, so you’ve been in a sort of finishing-up phase. Parts of your old identity have eroded, pushing you to shed them. You’ve released things that were ending and perhaps finally let go of people who were part of your past and didn’t feel right for the present or future version of you. You may have been uncharacteristically reclusive, especially if your imagination, spirituality or dreams felt more real than the outside world. But Saturn’s entry into Sagittarius this week heralds a whole new chapter in your life. Your mission is to leave your old persona behind and establish a new self-image based on your true essence. Define yourself on your own terms. You may feel vulnerable or tired at times, because Saturn is testing you and pushing you to prove what you’re made of. It’s not the easiest time for your ego, but it is an opportunity to get rid of false pretenses and learn who you really are. During this period, you’re apt to become more self-directed than ever before. Let your integrity be your true north in the next few years, and you’ll grow to be a stronger, more authentic, conscious being.

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $125 for 60 minutes, $150 for 90 minutes.

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9 years ago

This week’s horoscope has brighten up the next three years of my life (and next week as well hahaha).

xx Cecil //

9 years ago

Really loving the way my horoscope looks this week :)
thanks free people

9 years ago

All these horoscopes are simply lovely .<3
Changes were announced

9 years ago

i’m a capricorn + this is exactly what i’ve been feeling. i love it. thank you. siiiiiiigh. x

9 years ago

So on point for me!

9 years ago

Exactly what I needed to hear. I’m a Pisces. :)

9 years ago

Ohh these are good!

9 years ago

“pursue a position of authority…Challenge yourself to be a leader”. yeah Pisces is spot on.

9 years ago

I can’t wait for Saturn to finally go into Sagittarius &make the most of it…
Check out my astrology blog if you’d guys like :-)

9 years ago

These are always right on the mark for me and I love Allen’s eloquence. This week’s horoscope puts a lot of things in perspective and is particularly inspiring. A lot of good thoughts for a Scorpio to take into the new year. Thank you!

Dee |

9 years ago

Wow, such a positive response to a tough planet. You all have the right attitude! Happy holidays:)

9 years ago

This is insanely accurate for me! Love your blogs– special thanks to Saturn for making me dedicated to my future!

9 years ago

I’m an Aries and it is very true about learning to share myself with someone. I’m so very grateful that I met my fiance almost 5 years ago, it has been a wonderful experience, it has been such a tremendous growth experience for me!

9 years ago

Where is the photo from?!