Wellness Encyclopedia: Why We Love Lavender + DIY Lavender Sleep Oil

Get the lowdown on lavender and learn why you need this healing essential oil in your beauty cabinet

Walking along a garden path, your sandals traipse over a few crisp green leaves adorned with purple flowers. You think nothing of it, until your nose is met with a familiar scent, one that instantly relaxes and soothes. Curious, you snap off a stem, and are met with an old friend, a garden grower we’re all familiar with and one I believe we’ve all come to love in our own way: Lavender.

Lavender is one of those scents so ubiquitous that you’d be hard pressed to find someone unwilling to extol its virtues. Whether you love it for its anxiety-soothing properties, the way the smell of the fresh plants waft about your garden on a sunny day, or the way a cluster of the blooms instantly brightens up your dresser, this wonder-herb is one to love. Today I’m delving into why lavender and lavender oil deserves a place in your beauty cabinet. Read on to get the lowdown on lavender.

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What is it? While there are roughly 32 different species of lavender, the most common is Lavandula angustifolia, otherwise known as English lavender, garden lavender, or true lavender. Native to the Mediterranean, the low shrub grows worldwide and is used as an ornamental plant, as a healing herb, and in culinary dishes. It may be used fresh or dried, or distilled into an essential oil.


What are the benefits? Lavender is unique in that, as an essential oil, it may be applied to the skin undiluted. When applied to the skin as an essential oil or as a fresh plant, lavender can soothe nearly every skin condition, from acne to sunburns, to eczema. A natural anti-bacterial, fresh and distilled lavender promotes healing, fights germs and infection, and reduces inflammation. Lavender also has a soothing effect on the nervous system when applied topically or used in aromatherapy, and can ease anxiety, promote restful sleep, and reduce stress.

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How do I use it? Lavender is as versatile as it is beautiful and along with it’s aromatic qualities, can easily be incorporated in your routine! Try dabbing a few drops at your temples and wrists when you’re having a particularly stressful day, or making a mist from with hazel and lavender to spray on your pillow or to use as a calming facial toner (yes, it’s that versatile!). Use as-is or mixed into aloe to soothe skin stressed by too much sun, or go wild and try adding fresh lavender to dessert, drink, and salad recipes! Feeling anxious? Try our 2-ingredient stress reliever below…

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2-Ingredient DIY Lavender Sleep Oil


1/2 oz carrier oil (avocado, almond, or jojoba)

10 drops or more lavender essential oil

In a small vial, combine carrier oil with 10 or more drops lavender essential oil. Swirl to combine and keep close to your pillow.

To use: Just before bed, rub several drops of sleep oil on the soles of your feet, concentrating on massaging it into your arches, heels, and forefoot. You can also dab a few drops at pulse points: on your wrists, at your temples, and on your neck. This beautiful oil easily doubles as a bath oil. To make, combine larger amounts of carrier oil and essential oil and add a tablespoon to a warm bath to soothe skin and relax the nervous system.

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+ What’s your favorite way to use lavender?

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7 years ago

I’m obsessed with Lavender. I use it in every way mentioned in this post!! My favorite is mixing it with witch hazel and applying all over my face in the evenings, right before bed. I haven’t had much luck growing it, but that doesn’t mean I don’t stop trying every year. Haha. Love these types of posts!

7 years ago

I LOVE to put drops of lavender and distilled water into a spray bottle using this at my work to stay cool on those hot summer days!!

7 years ago

I love your wellness encyclopedia posts! Especially this one on lavender as I am absolutely obsessed with it — there are so many great benefits! Thanks for sharing :)

7 years ago

Must try!!! I personally think lavender is the most versatile of all essential oils. It’s been used for many purposes since ancient times. Thanks for sharing your recipe =)

7 years ago

I’ve been growing lavendar for years. It is one of those flowers that seems to take care of itself. All you need is a couple of small starter plants and you will have lots of lavendar for years. They do need a lot of room. After I harvest my lavendar and dry it out, I take the dried buds, sprinkle them all over my carpets and then ground them into the carpet with my feet. Then I vaccuum them up and my house smells fantastic. I also make soap with the dried buds and goats milk. No more itchy skin. And who needs those environmentally unfriendly plastic bows on a gift? I tie a small bunch of lavendar on instead. The possibilities are endless.

7 years ago

I would like to share another amazing article on Lavender Oil Uses, http://ilovearomatherapy.blogspot.my/2016/07/lavender-oil-uses.html

7 years ago

Love these posts!
We put lavender and peppermint oil diluted in water in a spray bottle and spray on sunburns and bug bites. So soothing, actually seemed to help my sunburn heal faster. Even better when stored in the fridge!