Finding Resolution in 2018 — Three Easy Steps

Peace out, 2017. You were quite the rollercoaster ride, but I am happy for all of the thrills, both good and bad.

For 2018, I’ve made it my personal resolution to focus on mental health. With it I hope to grow toward clarity, and find a peaceful mind. Let’s do it together.

Be Present.

Do you ever find yourself sitting across from a friend at dinner and staring at your phone instead of making eye contact? Well, I do. Honestly, more often than I’d like to admit. This year, I’d like to work on being more present. Pay more attention, listen deeply, be more engaged. I hope to work on this through my relationships with people, and mother earth.

Practice Confidence.

You are beautiful, deserving, and smart. Be kind to yourself, and give yourself reminders. If you find yourself saying negative things about yourself, come back and say two positive things. Embrace all of your setbacks, heartbreaks, lessons learned from the last year and move forward.

Spread Love.

The most rewarding feelings come after spreading a bit of love. Try volunteering more this year. Smile at strangers. Leave a great tip for a hard working waitress. Donate to charities that you believe in. Write letters to friends and family. Happiness is truly found with love. Spread it on thick.

+ What are some of your New Years Resolutions for 2018? What are you focusing on? Let me know in the comments!

Follow FP Madisyn on Instagram + take a peek at her blog!


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These are great resolutions to make for the new year. I definitely want to do all of these! ❤️

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

6 years ago

I woke up w/the lyrics “It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day” , so this is exactly what I needed to read this morning. You inspired a post of my own, today, titled: “Resolve” in which I quote you and link back to this article. I hope you don’t mind.

6 years ago

A big yes to all 3 of these! Thanks for the ideas!

6 years ago

Love this! Agree with all 3! Happy New Year!


6 years ago

Those are some wonderful resolution. I love them and would love to practice them as well!

Very good content, I enjoyed learning

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