What We Gain From Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

While messages on how to reduce your personal impact on Mother Earth are certainly important, this often leaves us forgetting to focus on all we gain from an environmentally conscious lifestyle…

With all that goes on in our current world, it can be easy to feel discouraged about the state of our environment. One quick Google search is all it takes to realize that global warming and environmental damage seem too far gone to feel manageable to most. The truth is, climate change seems overwhelming because, well, it is. A solution simply cannot come about based on the actions of one person, and that lack of control can easily leave one feeling incapable of making a difference.

What’s more, messages behind climate change always seem to be all about less – cutting back, reducing, using less. While these messages on how to reduce your personal impact on Mother Earth are certainly important, this often leaves us forgetting to focus on all we gain from an environmentally conscious lifestyle. As a collective, I think we need to refocus our mentality. Even one small change a day can make a difference in protecting your Mother, and this Earth Day offers the perfect opportunity to examine your habits and make some changes.

But first — what is a carbon footprint and why do we want to reduce it?

A “carbon footprint” is the measure of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere via our daily activities. We want to keep these levels low because an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, and therefore in carbon footprint, is primarily associated with climate change that has led to global warming.

So what can you do?

Walk MORE.

Although most of us will likely need to use a car at some point, walking, biking or taking public transportation when possible is one of the most obvious ways we can work to make our carbon footprint smaller. Next time you need to go somewhere, show your planet some love by considering an Earth-friendly alternative to driving. Living a more sustainable life — good for you and good for Her!

Eat MORE responsibly.

Mass-produced meat is severely resource-intensive — raising animals for food produces more greenhouse gasses than all forms of transportation combined! Even just committing to a plant-based regimen or skipping on meat once a week is huge. While it may be a lifestyle change, eating a plant-based diet is not about depriving yourself. Quite the opposite, actually! Altering your diet doesn’t have to be all about what you lose. Consuming plant-based meals has never been easier with the rise of options that fulfill all dietary needs. Plus, vegan versions of your favorite meals are totally a thing. Conscious food consumption can even start with something as simple as visiting your local farmers market or joining a CSA. Your body and your planet will thank you.

Learn MORE.

Fact: About 75% of what you throw away is actually recyclable. The first step towards a solution? Learn what’s recyclable and what’s not.

Understanding the science behind climate change can seem complex and incomprehensible, but the more you know the easier it will be to adjust your lifestyle to reduce the size of your ecological footprint. What’s more, the better informed you are the more confident you’ll feel getting involved in the conversation with friends, family and local representatives. It’s no secret that our climate is changing, and while there are still unknowns, it’s more important then ever to stay aware and active in the discussion.

Get outside MORE.

What better way to celebrate this Earth Day than by immersing yourself in the great outdoors? Show your Mother how much you love her by spending some quality time connecting with her. Nothing connects you more to your natural surroundings than just being in them. What we love we protect, and being outside is the easiest way to form a loving relationship with Mother Nature. So get out there an enjoy everything she has to offer!

Save MORE.

The average person who drinks from plastic or paper cups creates 23 pounds of waste every year. Crazy, right? And SO easy to combat. Bringing a reusable coffee mug or water bottle is an easy lifestyle change that could make that number zero. The list of what we can reuse is endless, so think twice about how you can repurpose something before it ends up in the trash.

Sustainable living may feel daunting at times, but it’s important to remember the impact a determined effort can have. Unforunately, every individual on this Earth leaves behind a footprint. But, simultaneously, every day we have a choice as to what kind of difference we want to make for the future of our planet. Taking these steps and making a conscious effort to love and protect Mother Earth is the first step in making Earth Day, every day. Together we can gain a better tomorrow by starting TODAY.

+ How else do you work to reduce your carbon footprint? Share in the comments below!

Follow Taylor on Instagram.

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I do most, if not all, of these things regularly already, but I’m still definitely going to get more serious about reducing my carbon footprint!

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

6 years ago

Great post! x

5 years ago

Fashion industry is said to be the 2nd largest contributor of pollution. Are your clothing organic?

Bruce Deniger
5 years ago

great post

5 years ago

Does this mean that Free People is working on becoming a more sustainable clothing brand??? I’d love to not feel guilty buying your clothes.

5 years ago

Love this post! I’m lucky enough to live and work in a city where I can walk every where. It’s all about using a water bottle (I prefer glass) and if you’re like me and love paper books, an interesting way to recycle is buying used books (I use thriftbooks.com). Thanks for the fun tips!

Mandie Fae
5 years ago

Great post! Just want to add a few thoughts… :)
Reduce and Reuse are most important. Don’t buy what you don’t need. Just because you “donate” something doesn’t mean it will get reused, it could/will eventually end up in the dump or even polluting another country. Reuse everything you can! Before you buy or discard, think, “can I reuse this?” Avoid plastics if possible as their “lifetime” is forever and they can only be recycled so many times. Glass and metals can be recycled almost infinitely even if you’re not reusing them personally.
And don’t trust that just because something is labeled “green” that it’s that simple. Even biodegradable products need to end up in the right places to biodegrade (compost bin), and even then, it can take years for them to break down.
Thanks again for the post! Glad to see this info being shared! :)

5 years ago

Interesting post, the clothing industry could especially make a significant mark on sustainabillity – if they were to go forth as an example.