Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of September 2-8

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August 23–September 22

Your ruling planet zips into Virgo this week, gifting you with a silver tongue and sharp thinking. And Mercury’s meetup with Uranus and Saturn follows in the footsteps of the Grand Trine that the sun formed with these two heavyweights on August 25. In this scenario, your powers of perception can lead to an a-ha! moment. Your mind is bound to be active and alert, and your curiosity might inspire a learning experience like a trip. If you want to express your POV, speak up! This is absolutely the ideal time to get your message across. And with Saturn pivoting forward in your fulfillment house, you’ll feel a renewed determination to live a well-rounded life and may even decide to make dating into more of a mission. You could also get serious about a hobby or romance, and the primary point is to take your own happiness seriously. A sun-Neptune faceoff can make for confusing interactions, and another individual could really wear you down now. Don’t get sucked into agreeing to something that’s not right for you. Venus and Mars are arguing, putting you at risk of chasing after what you think you want without calculating the true cost. But the new moon in your sign puts the focus back on personal growth, as it invites you to reboot your life in a powerful way. This is your annual incentive to reinvent yourself — new year, new you! Don’t think too small and don’t be afraid of change.



September 23–October 22

After Mercury slips into your spirit corner for a two-week retreat, you’ll be less inclined to divulge what you’re thinking and more in touch with a private side of yourself. If you have a lot on your mind or need to study, don’t hesitate to go off by yourself and reflect or hit the books. Merc is in sync with Uranus and Saturn, forming the same Grand Trine with them that the sun did recently; this is a golden opportunity to get to the bottom of a relationship issue, unpack emotional baggage or examine the past. Thoughts, words and feelings flow together easily now, making dialogue, revelations and resolution possible. Since the sun is opposing Neptune, you should tune into your needs and make time for rest when your battery is drained. Honor the mind-body-spirit connection and aim for a healthy balance of work and relaxation to nurture your overall wellbeing. The new moon nudges you to start a regular spiritual practice, seek peace and quiet to unwind and begin to let go of something that has you in its grip. Venus in Libra is needling Mars, so you might want to socialize but have too much to do at home. Or maybe a roomie or family member seems out to ruin your good mood. There’s also a chance that your own simmering frustrations will keep you from being as pleasant as you mean to be. With Saturn turning direct at the base of your chart, self-care should be a priority!


October 23-November 21

Saturn has been retrograde for nearly five months, and this week he resumes forward motion in your thinking-and-talking corner, gradually restoring clarity and possibly nudging you toward a decision. If you’ve been marinating over something that doesn’t pass the litmus test, the pragmatic planet’s U-turn will help you sort out what’s real and workable and what’s not. With Mercury segueing into your hopes-and-humanity sector, your mind shifts to what’s next for you and who you can connect with. You might reach out to friends, do a bit of professional networking and put the word out on social media. Thanks to the positive triangle that Merc is forming with Uranus and Saturn (the same one the sun was involved in several days ago), you shouldn’t have any trouble meeting new people, expressing yourself one-on-one and in a group, learning from others and publicizing something you’re interested in. The sun and Neptune are going toe to toe, so you might get muddled over your role in a group or give up what you want in order to be there for a friend. A Venus-Mars spat suggests you’re torn between sacrificing your own desires and standing up for yourself, and there could be some friction if boundaries aren’t clear. Soon after, Venus sashays into Scorpio, highlighting your charm and beauty and making you feel much more social. People are likely to pick up on your warm, friendly vibe and want to be around you. Plus a new moon is coaxing you to expand your circle, so get out and circulate!



November 22–December 21

This week, Mercury climbs to the peak of your chart, so your mind will be on goals and strategies for a couple of weeks and you’ll be plotting your professional path, formulating objectives, connecting with higher-ups and articulating your ambitions. When Merc gets into the same triangular formation with Uranus and Saturn that the sun was in just days ago, you have an opening to make your pitch for a raise or promotion; devise a practical yet innovative plan; or learn a skill that will pay dividends in the long run. You’re able to think everything through thoroughly and speak with authority under this influence. Saturn is finishing his retrograde period, which can stabilize your finances and get your priorities in better order. If your self-confidence has been waning, take stock of all you have going for you and give yourself a pep talk. The sun is inspiring you to shine your own light, but an opposition with Neptune reminds you to strive for a healthy work-life balance. You could feel unsure about your chances of success and need some TLC from family or soul-soothing time at home before getting out there and proving yourself. Or maybe you need to get a domestic issue squared away and that’s causing you to take your eye off the ball. Venus and Mars are also drumming up conflict, so you might feel torn between going along to get along and protecting your own interests. The new moon gets your head back in the game and coaxes you to set fresh goals, fortified by faith and determined self-assurance.



December 22–January 19

Your ruler, Saturn, has been backtracking in Capricorn since April, and this week he finally shifts into first gear, so you’ll start to see a clear path in front of you that you can successfully navigate. As your priorities begin to crystallize, you can put together a game plan that’s even more solid than the old one — which probably showed some cracks in the last five months. Soon you’ll be back on terra firma and resuming your steady climb like a true Goat. Mercury is moving into your exploration house, another reason to look down the road and take in the big picture. You might feel restless and get inspired to travel or embark on a new course of study. Merc locks into the same Grand Trine with Uranus and Saturn that the sun was in recently, encouraging you to broaden your horizons. Make a point of soaking up as much knowledge as you can—and dare to think outside the box! A sun-Neptune standoff can throw off your judgment temporarily and you might even feel taken in, so don’t assume too much right now. A Venus-Mars quarrel challenges you to show restraint. You’re primed to come across well rubbing elbows with higher-ups but will probably be tempted to assert your own agenda rather than play the game. Once Venus dances into your humanity house, your social life and friendships move up your priority list, and you won’t be as concerned with PR. The new moon hints at fresh adventures and can spark your wanderlust or get you to take a leap of faith.



January 20–February 18

Now that Saturn is coming out of reverse after a months-long retrograde, you may get your spiritual practice back on track or begin to feel more content after working through troubling emotions. It’s important to maintain firm boundaries if you’ve been playing a victim or martyr role somewhere in your life. With Mercury sneaking into your hidden-matters house, this is a great time to dig into a research project or investigation and confide in someone close to you. Introspection will be especially fruitful, so don’t be afraid to probe the dark corners of your psyche. Merc is forming a Grand Trine with Uranus and Saturn, just as the sun did days ago, and they’re all coaxing you to examine your feelings and your private life. You could gain great insight now and even achieve closure. The sun is going head to head with Neptune, so the boundaries in an intimate relationship may become blurred, and you’re susceptible to giving up a lot in order to be with someone. Your self-worth may not be strong enough at the moment to make the best decisions, and you should try not to let fear call the shots. Besides, the new moon suggests a new level of intimacy and depth is within reach. A Venus-Mars scuffle presents another challenge, and you might undermine your desire to branch out by doing something that ends up denying you of pleasure. After Venus ascends to your ambition angle, you’ll have an easy time winning over authority figures and making the most of favorable circumstances to cast yourself in a positive light.



February 19–March 20

More of your attention will shift to one-on-one relationships after Mercury crosses your interpersonal angle this week, opening up the lines of communication. Bounce ideas off people to get feedback, explain your position to a partner, reach out to others so you feel connected and engaged. Thanks to the triangle Mercury is forming with Uranus and Saturn — a repeat of the Grand Trine the sun recently participated in — meeting new people, getting your message across, learning from others, making promising contacts and feeling in sync with both groups and individuals should all be fairly effortless. And with a new moon rising in your opposite sign, a new partner (think romantic, creative, business or something else) could be waiting in the wings. Or you may soon take an existing relationship to the next level and make a serious commitment. The sun is facing off against Neptune, so it may be hard to see a relationship clearly or for others to see the real you. Your trademark sensitivity can help you get on the same wavelength, but don’t sacrifice who you are to be who someone wants you to be. You’re probably not up to asserting yourself, so postpone confrontations and negotiations. If you experience a spiritual or artistic connection with another person, enjoy it without projecting into the future. A Venus-Mars battle can set off sexual sparks with a platonic pal, but it can also mean one-on-one closeness will conflict with group activities. After Venus soars into your expansion zone, you’ll feel freer to experiment with novel pleasures and possibly date outside your comfort zone.



March 21-April 19

If recognition has been hard to come by in the last several months, it should be more forthcoming when Saturn powers forward in your ambition angle this week, generating a sense of potential progress. You’ve probably been questioning where you’re headed, and now you can start to formulate a more definite plan for success — success as you define it for yourself. With Mercury skipping into your productivity corner, you’re able to focus on work and think things through in detail. Plus Merc is syncing with Uranus and Saturn, forming the same triangle with them that the sun did several days ago. You’re capable of doing excellent mental work and communicating effectively with colleagues now, and your critical eye will be a boon. Since the sun is also in your productivity corner and going toe to toe with Neptune, you could run out of steam at some point and require a break. You might also doubt your abilities and take the wind out of your own sails. Don’t let perfectionism deflate your spirits; good enough truly is good enough! The new moon offers incentive to launch a job search, earn a new skill, change your schedule, start a different diet or exercise regimen or initiate a positive habit. Venus and Mars are quarreling, which may cause trouble in a relationship if your goals differ. Try to maintain a respectful rapport and motivate each other to achieve what you want to achieve, together or separately. After Venus segues into your sharing sector, a feeling of closeness becomes even more important to you.



April 20–May 20

You’ll find it easier to turn your vision into reality and make plans for the future after Saturn goes direct this week. If travel or education have been a source of headaches, such problems should soon subside. With Mercury zinging into your joy sector, creative thinking, humor, reading for pleasure and intellectual amusements are all encouraged. Merc is vibing with Uranus and Saturn, as the sun did not long ago, helping you to speak from the heart. You can express not only your feelings but your individuality now, so reveal your quirks! And your mind can be a great source of fun and imagination under this planetary picture, so don’t confine yourself to practical thoughts and words. The sun is also in your joy sector, but he’s facing off with Neptune at the moment, so you might get a bit confused about friendship or fitting in with a group. If you’re yearning for validation and not getting it, take the pressure off. You do you — and don’t focus too much on feedback. Boundaries could be an issue, so try to stay clear on who you are and what makes you happy and don’t lose yourself by going with the flow. A new moon nudges you to look for fresh romance, creative fulfillment and pure pleasure around every corner. Venus and Mars are sparring, so you might be enjoying your work and get an urge to take off on an adventure. After Venus crosses your interpersonal angle, you’ll feel super in tune with people and able to express your affection.



May 21–June 20

Your ruling planet sneaks down to the base of your chart this week, putting you in closer touch with your innermost thoughts and feelings, and you might get sentimental and nostalgic as your mind wanders down memory road. Mercury moves into a triangular formation with Uranus and Saturn, as the sun did on August 25, and this Grand Trine can inspire incredibly worthwhile reflection and dialogue. You might talk to a family member or someone else who’s known you forever and can shed light on the past. If you go in search of insights and answers, you’re liable to find them. You could resolve a relationship issue, get to the bottom of an emotional pattern or have a revelation about a personal matter. With Saturn getting back up to speed, you’ll soon feel more empowered to deal with touchy stuff, possibly related to trust, change, sharing, money or intimacy. The sun and Neptune are locked in a standoff, and if you’re feeling uncertain about your direction in life, you’ll be tempted to lay low and not take on any daunting challenges. Aim for a good balance between resting on your laurels and imagining yourself accomplishing something you’ve dreamed of. The new moon can jumpstart a new self-care ritual or spell a coming change in your living situation. A Venus-Mars disagreement might generate sexy sparks, but it can also pit personal pleasure against partnership. After Venus arrives in your efficiency corner, you’re more willing to put in the work that it takes to form and maintain healthy relationships.



June 21–July 22

With Saturn pivoting forward in your interpersonal angle after traveling retrograde there since April, any lesson you’ve learned about close relationships lately will start to translate into a potential plan for moving forward. Implement any knowledge that you’ve gained in order to strengthen — or perhaps sever — a connection. Mercury’s move into your thinking-and-talking corner revs up your brain and your speech for the next couple of weeks. Not only will your thoughts and words be flowing, but restlessness can also lead you to roam around your neighborhood more or take a short trip. Merc is forming a Grand Trine with Uranus and Saturn, just as the sun did several days ago, making it easy for you to connect with people you know, meet some new faces, convey your ideas and have important conversations. A sun-Neptune opposition can make you gullible, so if you’re unsure of what to believe, put off decisions and agreements. You’re in a curious mood but need to be okay with not having conclusive answers at the moment. The new moon promotes information gathering and learning, and you might begin a writing project or reboot your mindset and start thinking along new lines. Since Venus and Mars are tussling, you may be content to enjoy the pleasures of home and family, but a commitment to partner up on something yanks you away. Soon after, Venus’s entrance into your joy sector warms your relations and inspires you to get out and enjoy life. Romance, creativity and fun are all favored during this transit!



July 23–August 22

Mercury exits Leo this week and prances into your worth house, asking you to give more thought to your finances, possessions, material needs and personal values. And when Merc moves into a triangular configuration with Uranus and Saturn, this Grand Trine echoes the one the sun formed with these two power players just days ago. You’re able to think in practical terms and assess the resources at your disposal to get the job done and make headway in your career (or towards an individual goal). You understand what it will take to succeed and can talk brass tacks. In addition, Saturn is powering ahead in your productivity corner, motivating you to resume a project you put on hold, put a more streamlined routine into place in your daily life or get back on track with your wellness goals. Efficiency and organization are the name of the game now. Since the sun and Neptune are at loggerheads, you may be clear on your bottom line and then get thrown off course by another person and their priorities. Table negotiations and binding commitments for the time being; what someone has to offer is still TBD. A new moon signals a new moneymaking opportunity could be opening up and it also nudges you to get your financial affairs in order, maybe by crafting a new budget. With Venus and Mars at odds, the drive to get a lot done could interfere with your good mood. Once Venus dips down to your foundation angle, the pleasures of home and family will be impossible to resist.


Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $125 for 60 minutes, $150 for 90 minutes.


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Now I’m excited for the coming week! Thanks for the horoscope! ❤️✨

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

5 years ago

Love it! x

5 years ago

great article!