Higher Learning with LAKA: Liz Smithers’ HIIT Workout

LAKA Living founder Liz Smithers is carrying her first child, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t still working out… Here’s her go-to HIIT workout.

This is the third post in our wellness series with LAKA.

Pregnancy has asked Liz Smithers of LAKA fame to take it down a notch, but just a notch. With the passing of each trimester, she finds it physically limiting to do most HIIT. So instead of putting exercise to the wayside, she merely shifted her focus. An almost daily routine of HIIT/running/Ashtanga yoga now consists of HIIT 1x a week, daily walking, and whatever degree of yoga practice she gravitates toward. “Most days it feels good to up my heart rate and stretch out my body, especially first thing in the morning when the belly is still small and manageable!”

If a class is not in the cards, Liz has crafted her own HIIT workout, illustrated here for you so that you can go for it in the privacy of your own home, whenever the urge strikes:

Start with a 20-30 minute jog (or walk, if that better suits you).

Follow with 4 rounds of:

1 min jumping jacks

30 sec high knees

10 jump squats

10 squats

10 lunge kicks

10 burpees

Followed by 3 rounds of:

20 shoulder taps

20 plank knee-to-chest circles

10 knee-to-elbow cranks

8 chatarunga pushups (knees down optional)

8 medicine ball pushups

15 tricep dips

Followed by 2 rounds of: (ankle weights optional)

20 donkey kicks

20 donkey pulses

20 straight leg pulses  

20 straight leg rainbows

20 fire hydrants

15 fire hydrant pulses

15 fire hydrant to straight leg

End with 1 round of:

10 breaths in down dog

10 breaths high lunge (R)

10 breaths warrior 1

10 breaths warrior 2

Three-legged dog to optional wild thing

Pigeon pose

Repeat on left to complete other side.*

And, as always, be sure to consult with a trusted health care provider before implementing any new health regimen!


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Thank you for this! Can’t wait to try the workout!

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

4 years ago

A great workout, especially if HIIT was something one has done regularly before pregnancy. But a pregnant person should definitely check with a doctor before starting a high intensity workout like this, to avoid complications related to increased body temperature, heart rate etc. Maybe add a disclaimer to this post?

4 years ago
Reply to  Robin

Robin, thank you for sharing that sentiment – it’s a very valuable one, and we’ll be sure to make note in the post.

4 years ago

Lol, try doing this with severe morning sickness.

4 years ago

This is a really amazing article and is full of information. Thank you for posting!

4 years ago
