Your Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen — July 8-14

The sun opposes both Saturn and Pluto, Mercury retrograde backs into Mars, and Mars picks a fight with Uranus. Thank goodness there’s a silver lining — the sun and Neptune are getting along great!



June 21–July 22

The Cancer sun has several challenging encounters throughout the week that you’ll need to adapt to. Resist the impulse to go on the defensive if it seems like someone’s trying to control you, and try not to get pulled into a power struggle. But do stand up to a bully if it’s clear that’s what’s going on! If you’re faced with a choice between putting yourself first and honoring an obligation to others, a mutually agreeable compromise will help you pass the test with flying colors. And if someone appears to be blocking your path, see if you can get some constructive criticism out of them. Last, if you simply have too many balls in the air, ask yourself if every single thing really resonates with you. Get a fresh perspective on your mile-long to-do list. Lucky for you, the sun’s harmony with Neptune can inspire you to lose yourself in an uplifting experience. You might travel, explore spirituality and learn about people, places and ideals that are unfamiliar. The aim is to connect on a meaningful level with something beyond yourself. When Mercury backs into Mars, a delayed payment or unforeseen expense may impact your bank balance — or you could receive unexpected money or find something you misplaced. Reassess your assets (including buried talents) with new eyes, and brainstorm different ways of earning income. Ask yourself what’s really important to you, and reshuffle possessions and priorities accordingly. Be extra mindful of the urge to splurge. A Mars-Uranus clash can bring conflicts with friends over what belongs to whom. Your instinct may be to fight for what you feel you need, but flexibility will allow you to sidestep strife. Let people march to their own beat instead of reacting to group pressure. If you’re finding people to be unreliable lately, consider the possibility that your own expectations are in flux. You may not be looking for the same qualities in your friends as you were a year or two ago.





July 23–August 22

With Mercury backtracking through Leo, it’s a good time to reconsider the image you project. Does your appearance reflect the inner you? What signals do you send to people? Are there personal qualities you want to play up more? What message does your body language convey? Hold off on makeovers, but you can still ponder your persona. Merc’s meetup with Mars can get you to rethink a plan of action and look for holes to plug. You might spot what needs to be fixed now. The sun’s faceoffs with Saturn and Pluto imply that your workload or health could keep you from relaxing the way you’d like to and might deplete your reserves. Sticking to a regular schedule and getting sufficient R and R will help prevent burnout. You feel compelled to get tons done, but don’t succumb to pressure — internal or external — to take on one more thing. A sun-Neptune mashup offers a chance to forge a powerful bond with someone you’re close to or to delve deeply into your psyche and feel more at peace with yourself, so carve out alone time or private time with a loved one. When Mars in Leo jostles Uranus, your go-for-broke determination can take an unexpected turn. You’re tempted to shoot from the hip, but don’t flagrantly challenge the powers that be. Find an innovative way to pursue your aims rather than impulsively shooting off in a new direction. If you’re dissatisfied with your career, reputation or overall life path, what can you do to change things up? You may feel like you’re at the mercy of an authority figure’s whims or a system’s quirks, but don’t take it personally and push back. The better you know yourself and what you’re chasing after, the less tempted you’ll be to take rash action that leads to an unwanted plot twist. Let the overarching goal of progress motivate you to act with discretion.




August 23–September 22

The sun’s standoffs with Saturn and Pluto can point to friction between meshing with a group and pursuing your own passions. If you try to dominate others or they’re exerting pressure on you, drama is likely to ensue. And Saturn can exacerbate any self-inhibition you’re feeling, so you’re unsure of whether you fit in with people — or stand out enough. No matter how it looks, you’re really the only one who can get in your way this week. Focus on spending quality time with those you have something important in common with; hanging with acquaintances who share more superficial interests won’t cut it. Fortunately, the sun is gelling with Neptune in your one-on-one angle, enabling you to click with other individuals and to see them in a positive light. You might team up on a humanitarian endeavor or be moved to do something kindhearted for someone you’re fond of. Retrograde Mercury’s meeting with Mars also nudges you to channel energy into an imaginative or compassionate effort. You’re in danger of shooting yourself in the foot, though, so do your best to catch yourself if you’re on the brink of arguing or taking ill-advised action. Since Mars is hiding out in your subconscious corner, you could have a hidden agenda and will need to keep an eye on your true motives. A Mars-Uranus quarrel can result in erratic behavior, so it’s important to be totally honest with yourself about what you’re after. You also need to be honest with others in the way you go about pursuing your aims. Flying off in an unplanned direction might not wind up being a mistake; such an adventure may very well teach you something. But just keep tabs on the devil on your shoulder (or subversive voice in your head — however you choose to look at it!) who might call the shots without you knowing it.




September 23–October 22

Stay out of group gossip this week when a Mercury-Mars kerfuffle occurs in your network zone, fanning the flames of misunderstandings and disagreements. If technology glitches are wreaking havoc, keep your sense of humor. You might look at your various group affiliations now and question whether they’re all still pertinent to the person you are today. Are you connected with organizations and circles of people that support your hopes, ideals, interests and goals? Are you satisfied with the roles you play in them? This transit can prompt you to rejoin a group or revisit a dream you’ve put on hold. The sun is facing off with heavyweights Saturn and Pluto, so your ability to balance home life and professional life may be put to the test. Try not to give in to a glum mood. You’re striving to shine but might have to overcome private insecurity, emotional baggage or a domestic or family problem before you succeed. If turbulent emotions — or an issue in your living situation — are disturbing you, don’t sweep them under the rug, thinking that will allow you to chase after your goals unencumbered. Thankfully, the sun’s vibe with Neptune implies creative work or your skills that benefit others will fuel your drive and allow you to make your mark. Let your desire to be useful motivate you to keep plugging away at your goals. When you feel like you’re making progress — and making a difference — your sense of wellbeing is enhanced. Since Mars and Uranus are at war, you should be prepared to go with the flow if teamwork gets off-track or group relations become disruptive. Step away from the fray if you could use a breather. Productive collaboration may require a rebalancing of power or personal space. You could figure out something truly liberating about yourself, so stop digging for insights in the dark corners of your psyche.



October 23–November 21

When Mercury backs into a conjunction with feisty Mars, your co-ruler, you could wind up walking on eggshells with a boss or parent. Be extra mindful of how you conduct yourself around authority figures, erring on the side of caution. But you could also mobilize and redo an action step in your career plan or reapply for a position under this influence. The sun in your exploration corner is going toe to toe with Saturn and your other ruler, Pluto, in your thinking-and-talking zone. So expansive thinking is due for a reality check. It’s wise to apply reason and ensure that you’re not going too far out on a limb. But you shouldn’t allow pessimism and fear to completely dominate — because that’s bound to limit the possibilities for growth. You’d be clipping your own wings! A difference of opinion may get tense, and you should try not to become obsessed with winning this battle. Keeping some things to yourself (which private Scorpios certainly know how to do) would be a good idea. Luckily, the sun is in sync with Neptune in your happiness house, suggesting that staying out of your comfort zone can place the love, joy, creative expression, spiritual connection and personal fulfillment you long for within your grasp. Mars and Uranus are rubbing each other the wrong way, so it’s possible you’ll need to adapt your actions in order to accommodate a close relationship, especially if you’re behaving in an authoritative manner, and that behavior receives an unwanted reaction. It’s completely appropriate to pursue your goals, but it’s also important to keep in mind that not everyone shares your personal agenda. The other side of the coin: Don’t let an unstable person or shaky relationship take anything away from your success. Be who you want to be and give others the freedom to walk their own path.




November 22–December 21

Jupiter in Sagittarius is out of step with the sun in your depth sector, calling for you to adjust your expectations in a close relationship. The sun is also facing off with two heavyweight contenders, Saturn and Pluto, further complicating give-and-take. You might have qualms about sharing and worry about not having what you need. Try not to become overly focused on deprivation, or you could wind up building a barrier between yourself and another person. Don’t let fear call the shots; feeling unsure of yourself and dwelling on lack and loss will make closeness much harder. It can also keep you from bravely shining a light on your inner wiring in an effort to understand and accept yourself. Luckily, the sun is in cahoots with Neptune, encouraging you to bond and heal. Prioritize private time (on your own or with someone you care about) because it has the ability to soothe your soul. You might repair a family wound by facing what’s been hidden and finding forgiveness. Home, comfort and intimacy are ultra-important to you now. With Mercury backing into a potentially combative encounter with Mars, you should consider that nobody is thinking matters over thoroughly or expressing themselves gracefully at the moment. Circling back to a cause you’ve championed in the past and fighting for what’s right could be worth your while. Mars is also at odds with Uranus in your efficiency corner, bringing an impulse to push yourself out of old ruts. You may not be spending your days the way you used to and would probably like to zip off in a new direction. But health, work or other circumstances could throw a wrench in the mix, forcing you to improvise. Doing things in a different way will instigate progress, so find ingenious workarounds and bold, brilliant solutions. You need a great deal of freedom now to blaze your own trail — and perhaps reinvent your life!




December 22–January 19

The sun in your interpersonal angle goes head to head with both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn this week, which can lead you to shut people out inadvertently or rule with an iron fist. Of course you feel better calling the shots with these two powerful planets residing in your sign. But you’re likely to come on way too strong if you insist on controlling other people. And you might seem cold when — the way you see it — you’re simply focused on your goals. Self-awareness is key, and you should also try to understand that the space between you and others can be spanned. Your frame of mind may not make connecting a very simple affair right now, but do your best to build bridges, not walls, when you feel isolated. A sun-Neptune confab will help you put yourself in other people’s shoes and express your kindness. One-on-one communication gets a lovely boost thanks to this planetary pairing, and you’re capable of intuiting subtle signals now. When retrograde Mercury rendezvous with Mars, you’ll probably be tempted to act on your impulses and could end up doing something misguided. Or maybe you’ll have a disagreement with someone close to you and struggle to get the upper hand. This energy is intense, so do your best not to get carried away. Mars is also provoking rebellious Uranus, which could lead you to rush into an intimate relationship. One of you may need personal space if things heat up too fast. And if you’re pursuing someone you’re attracted to, keep in mind that the response probably won’t be exactly what you expect. You could be conflicted yourself, desiring closeness and also needing independence — or wanting to concentrate on one thing and getting distracted by something more fun. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, but you can find clever solutions and creative ways to have a good time.




January 20–February 18

The sun in your efficiency corner is going head to head with Saturn this week, signaling that wrapping up old business may take precedence over plowing ahead with your current agenda. Nagging guilt, doubt, regret or melancholy can drain you, and scheduling downtime to reset is likely to do you a world of good. Another opposition — this one between the sun and Pluto — reminds you to deal with whatever is brewing in your subconscious in order to enhance your overall wellness and your productivity. Fortunately, the sun is harmonizing with Neptune in your worth house, enabling you to draw on your creative talents. Let your highest personal values and priorities be your guide, and you’ll manage to stay on the right path. With retrograde Mercury and firecracker Mars tussling in your interpersonal angle, you could get defensive or you could encounter defensive people and exchange terse words. Bear in mind that all of us are trying to navigate this retrograde phase, and then take a deep breath before you react in a knee-jerk fashion. Mars is also doing battle with your ruling planet, Uranus, upping the odds that the actions of other individuals will unsettle you. So be extra aware of your innermost emotions if you want to keep conflict at bay. What is going on inside you is bound to have an impact on your interactions—meaning the more insight you have into yourself, the more prepared you’ll be to handle the feelings that come up. There’s also a chance that your home life or your family will somehow disrupt partnership or your rapport with others. Be open to improvising! You’re probably making an effort to compromise and cooperate, but the reality is that you can’t control everything that happens, so just roll with the punches.




February 19–March 20

Since the sun and Saturn are going at each other from your joy sector and your network zone, it could be hard to feel accepted by a group this week. Do your best to maintain solid boundaries so that your personal pleasure isn’t at stake. But be open to constructive criticism, which can help you to hone your creative self-expression. The sun’s faceoff with Pluto can leave you torn between marching to your own beat and giving in to peer pressure. It might be best to focus on doing your own thing and ignore the haters — not to mention the trolls, since the network zone also governs social media. Luckily, the sun is meshing with Neptune in Pisces, bringing you an opportunity to be seen for who you really are. As you know by now, Neptune puts up a smokescreen between you and others, but the sun will burn off Neptune’s fog. Let your individuality and passion shine through! Share your artistry with the world. You’ll feel more authentically connected to people you care for. When Mercury backpedals into an encounter with trigger-happy Mars, overly sharp, critical words could be the result. But this pairing can also fire you up to do challenging mental work. Concentrate on one thing at a time, and compete with yourself, not others. A run-in between Mars and Uranus may cause you to become agitated over work, and if that’s the case, take a much-needed break. After you’ve decompressed, tweak your methods in a clever way and then get back in there. Innovative thinking is bound to reveal a better way of doing something when distractions threaten to prevent you from executing your agenda. Your health, daily routine or job performance might take an unexpected turn, which is likely to generate anxiety, but keep thinking on your feet! Maybe you won’t accomplish a task exactly as intended, but success is still within reach.





March 21–April 19

The sun has set up base camp at the bottom of your chart and will move into oppositions with Saturn and Pluto this week, highlighting the challenge of balancing home and work. You could be torn between kicking back contentedly in your comfort zone and pushing yourself to make progress out in the world. If you’re faced with a lot of hoops to jump through, you might feel like giving up and settling for your current lot in life. Apply the strengths that got you this far and see if you can work within a system to achieve the success you’re after. You’re sensitive to criticism now and could experience tension with authority figures. Fortunately, the sun and Neptune are joining forces, giving you permission to unwind and release anything that’s weighing on your spirit. Don’t feel like you have to be busy every minute. It’s healthy to unplug periodically and just be. Quiet reflection or quality downtime with people who know you well will help you recharge your battery. When retrograde Mercury backs into your ruler, Mars, in your joy sector, you’ll likely be tempted to act on impulse, expecting instant gratification. This is a good time to revise a creative project, reconnect with your inner child and rediscover a former hobby or other source of pleasure. There’s a chance you’ll reunite with an ex; if that happens, try not to attach expectations to the outcome. Mars is also skirmishing with Uranus in your worth zone, suggesting that erratic finances can curb your ability to have fun. If your confidence is up and down, that may impact your love life and interrupt your efforts to express your personality. Even though your resources might be rather unsteady, if you truly want something, there’s probably a way to get it. Instead of balking at obstacles, try to work around them!




April 20–May 20

When the sun locks into an opposition with Saturn this week, you’re compelled to slow down and look at the big picture. If someone judges your ideas, your enthusiasm may wane, but you can use this as an opportunity to refine your thinking and learn something. The sun’s faceoff with Pluto may trigger a heated debate, and you should resist the urge to score intellectual points. Aim for a powerful exchange of views without a bullhorn and soapbox. Luckily, sun-Neptune harmony signals that you can effortlessly gel with old and new friends alike when you put yourself out there and speak your truth. This is an excellent opportunity to have your voice heard, and perhaps the best use of it would be to advocate for others if the spirit moves you. With backtracking Mercury bumping into Mars, you might pick up where you left off with a domestic project you’ve been ignoring. You may also opt to research your genealogy or sort through photos, reminiscing and organizing them. It’s an appropriate time to examine your family history and your personal backstory on a quest for insights. Think of a behavior pattern or communication style rooted in your upbringing that you’d like to break. Identify specific teachings and events from childhood that have colored the lens through which you view life. You might experience breakthroughs now that you can act on going forward, in an effort to break free from the past. And when Mars stages a showdown with Uranus in Taurus, your inclination to shake things up will surge. Ask yourself what needs to change and how you can change it. Brainstorm different ways to make it happen. Figure out if your timetable is workable. But don’t stick to convention — Uranus insists on unorthodoxy! When you feel restless, channel irritability into bold action or take a total timeout. And be careful not to project your own feelings onto others — a danger with this transit.




May 21–June 20

The sun in your worth house has standoffs with both Saturn and Pluto scheduled this week, which could make a close relationship seem like a lot of work, particularly if you’re concentrating on what you need, and someone is holding out on you. Give and take feels like an uphill climb during these planetary oppositions, but the point is to strike a better balance between the two. Be clear on your bottom line, knowing what your deal-breakers are and what compromises you’re willing to accept. The sun’s chemistry with Neptune in your achievement angle hints that you can do spiritually meaningful and creative work when you focus on your core priorities and values and share your talents with the world. To navigate the retrograde phase of your ruler, Mercury, you should try to keep track of your most important fleeting thoughts by recording them via your method of choice. You can also reread, rewrite or relearn something; reconnect with a sibling or neighbor; and soothe your nerves with a breathing exercise. Since Merc is meeting up with Mars — and Mars is sparring with Uranus — you should be able to get your point across by being inventive and bold. Do some professional networking, take a quick trip with friends and join forces with people on a community-improvement project. But be sure to think before you speak and choose your battles. If you’re trying to sell others on your ideas and something’s telling you to put an alternate spin on your pitch, pay attention. Ignoring that inkling can cost you. You have a subconscious urge to rock the boat, and that unstable energy is affecting your thoughts, speech and interactions. Let another side of you come out rather than suppressing it. Pushing something down inside you will turn it into a troublemaker.


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Lead image by Alessandra Olanow.


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It’s going to be a challenging week for me! Thanks for the horoscope!

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

4 years ago

This can guide me to reach my goal of progress. Thanks for sharing my horoscope.