Healing Via Simple Acts of Love and Light

As an intuitive guide, Nina Endrst works with people through both triumph and trauma. Teaching them that taking small steps toward love can and does create magnificent shifts in our being.

No two people are alike, of course. And in my practice, there is no true handbook to be read or studied. My job is to simply be with a person, to witness them honestly and offer guidance accordingly. While each individual is unique, a few universal truths are ever-present – we all want to feel safe and we all want to be loved. In life we often look for the big moments, the dramatic changes, a grand gesture or epiphany. It happens that way sometimes, but life and, more specifically, healing is available in the simplest of moments – in the quiet and seemingly ordinary acts. 

My husband once said to me that he tries to see each person as the child they once were. I doubt he remembers saying it. This is just how he shows up in the world, and does so with effortlessness. In his daily interactions, he is kind, patient, loving and compassionate – he looks people in their eyes and walks for the most part, slowly and intentionally through life. I watch strangers respond to him with softness, disarmament – clearly feeling safe and seen in his presence. While shopping last week, he noticed a woman with three kids and her hands full in every sense. My husband offered to walk her to her car and help with the bags. She told him he was the first person to ever do this for her. A small but far from insignificant act of love that shifted more than he knows, I am sure.

My son Milo is 2 years old – he is an earth angel, as far as I’m concerned. Sure, he throws tantrums from time to time — big emotions are part of our makeup as humans. For the most part, though, his actions are love embodied. He offers the stuffed animals a drink of my breastmilk while he nurses, kisses our puppy each morning, and wraps his tiny arms around his father and me, bringing us in for family hugs. His eyes light up when he sees a bug or a cardboard box, even in a sea of overpriced wooden toys. When we are out in the world he says hello to everyone he sees, he smiles wide at strangers, and I can feel what that means to them.

There is a lot of external noise that separates us from our true nature and by extension each other. A lot of us struggle with how to get back there, to the magic, the innocence, the deep sense of connectedness and compassion we likely felt as children. We convince ourselves that that is gone, that we are different now. That rainbows and unicorns are silly and a waste of time. That being “productive” is our job and being present is too hard. We forget that every word, every action reverberates into the ether and, in fact, matters a great deal.

I wanted to create an offering for everyone, no matter where you are on your path. A light in an often dark world. A way to engage with yourself daily, a small step in the name of peace and well-being. Say hello to Inner Child candles.

Inspired by childlike innocence and pure, unapologetic joy, these candles are meant to illuminate your heart and connect you with your roots. A simple and accessible way to create a daily ritual and raise our vibration. Pause, light a candle, take a deep breath, repeat these simple mantras, and welcome a smile.


Feed The Unicorn

Smells like: Green fig, wild rose, tobacco bay leaf.

Feels like: Unexplainable magic.

Pairs well with: Dance parties and belly laughs.


Run Wild and Free

Smells like: Fresh fir, lavender, ylang ylang, tomato flower, and amber.

Feels like: Ear-to-ear grins and fresh windblown hair.

Pairs well with: Bare feet and starry eyes.


Explore Your Magic

Smells like: Fresh balsam, smokey pines, birch bark.

Feels like: A mystical forest.

Pairs well with: A sense of adventure and wonder.


+ In partnership with Apothenne, and available here.

Follow Nina Endrst’s work here and here. 

Photos by Bex Griffin.


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The candles sound lush! Explore Your Magic is my favourite!

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog