This Is What Those Words on Your Beauty Products REALLY Mean

Whether you routinely find yourself standing in front of a shelf of self-care products unable to decide what to buy because you have no idea what the labels are trying to tell you, or you just buy everything and hope you can decode it all in the safety of your bathroom, this one’s for you.

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Milky Cleansers: What They Are & Why They’re Perfect for Your Skin

They may look a whole lot like what you’d add to your daily cup of coffee or morning cereal… but, in fact, milky cleansers are secret weapons for anyone with skin that’s sensitive, reactive, dry, or even acne-prone.

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13 Things You Should Eat Every Day for Perfect Skin

If you truly are what you eat, why not make sure your plates, bowls and tupperware-packed, meal-prepped lunches and snacks contain the foods that work with and for your body. Eating for your skin never tasted so good.

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Collagen: What is It and How Do I Keep It?

If your only knowledge of collagen comes in the form of needles, doctors’ offices and reality TV, it’s time to get wise. Sure, you could pay someone to inject the stuff into your face but there’s a more natural — and dare I say, better — way to get your collagen fill.

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7 Ways Coconut Oil Works For Your Hair

You can’t shake a palm leaf without hitting a jar of the stuff in every in-the-know gal’s bathroom, and for good reason: The stuff is nothing short of miraculous (and cheap as far as natural products go), and can be used in more ways than I can even begin to list here.

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4 Ways to Keep Hair Strong and Healthy This Winter

Instead of metaphorically packing your hair away for the winter like you literally do with your bathing suits, take the right steps to maintain the strong, healthy hair you worked so hard to recoup back in September.

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