Farm Life Inspiration: Meet Jade

Imagine a life where days are spent tending to the land on which you live. The food you eat is the food you grew. You get your hands dirty – and it’s always in a dress. Adorable goats, chickens, and rabbits grace you with their presence every day. Beauty is all around, and you never cease to notice it. Read More

What Should I Do In Amsterdam And San Sebastian?!

Lately, the days have me filled with giddy excitement as the time draws near for me to leave the country for the first time in two and a half years. Read More

How To Clean Fruits & Vegetables Naturally

Recently we’ve done a couple of posts about organic vs. non-organic produce in the form of the Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen. One of you lovely readers had a question about the best ways to wash your produce – an excellent inquisition indeed. Read More