Office Style: Meet Snow

True story: “When I was in high school, I wore sweatpants and a hoodie so many days in a row that my mom offered to pay me to wear real clothes. ” — Snow

Your unique, beautiful name — where did it come from?

I absolutely hated my first name when I was a kid (I thought it was boring!) so when I was confirmed in 8th grade, I made my confirmation name Olivia. That way, my name would read Sara Nicole Olivia Wasylyk, and I could get a better nickname! It’s stuck pretty well but my family never calls me Snow — they think it’s weird! I don’t have anyone who calls me both Sara and Snow — it’s either/or. I definitely prefer Snow, though. It suits me best.

Your position at Free People… 

Digital Assets Coordinator Assistant. The team was FKA File Managers. 

What did you want to be when you grew up? 

An artist! My first passion was and always will be writing. (I’ve started 3 books but I’ve yet to finish any of them…) I eventually fell in love with and majored in photography at UArts, and my work has become more experimental. As I’ve gotten older, I realized that having a “dream job” — of being an artist — isn’t the right way to think about it. I’m an artist, and that’s the most integral part of who I am, and who I’ll always be no matter what job title I might technically have. And luckily, I have a job that I love and challenges me in different ways than my personal practice. 

What does your typical work day look like? 

As part of post-production, we bounce around following the flow of the studio sets. We receive all of the images from set, process them over to the retouchers, and play a big part in getting the finalized photos up on the website.

Favorite part of your job? 

Just being part of the entire production process. Seeing all of the work from multiple teams that goes into getting our product shots online is awesome. It’s pretty wild how fast everything moves from set to site, and that’s also rewarding.

Describe your personal style… 

Like a retired art school kid who wants to be a girl boss but can’t let go of the middle school emo days. I’ve worked for Anthro, Urban Outfitters and FP so I’m like a very strange mutt of all the brands. 

Wearing: the Corrinne Snake Belt Bag and the Normani Bias Printed Skirt

What makes you feel confident? 

Playing around with makeup, being productive, or practicing yoga. 

Who is your style icon?

Olivia O’Brien & @emilinalove when I’m feeling bold. @sunbeamjess for more classic, on-trend looks.

What are your beauty + wellness must-haves?

  1. Sleep
  2. Tons of water. 
  3. Oils, serums, moisturizers.
  4. Therapy!

What do you do outside of Free People? 

I mainly watch films. (I almost changed my major to film studies in college.) I fall in love with a director, or an actor, and then watch everything they’ve ever made. I’m your go-to for recommendations! You can also find me on my IG stories about things I’m currently obsessed with or passionate about. I’m often spreading awareness for mental health. I try to advocate for reducing the stigma through socials and my personal artwork. 

If you had to wear one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Oversized tee and Doc Marten’s. 

Favorite place you’ve ever visited and why:

London. I was always obsessed with the idea of London and when I went, I felt like I was finally home. I cried a lot on the plane ride home. I’m hoping to go back in 2019! 

Most embarrassing outfit you’ve ever worn. 

I can’t think of a specific outfit, but when I was in high school, I wore sweatpants and a hoodie so many days in a row that my mom offered to pay me to wear real clothes. 

One piece of advice you’d give your younger self. 

It’s okay to not be okay! All emotions, good and bad, are valid, and no one can ever take them away from you. Don’t keep them inside — know that there is always someone to listen, and you are never alone.

What’s in your shopping cart? 

Youth to the People Gel Cleanser

Arizona Platform Birkenstock 

Evie Pants

Lilah B. Bronzed Beauty™ Bronzer

We the Free Selvage Tote 


Wearing: the Dr. Martens Hurston Chelsea Boot and the Sun Kissed Neon Tee

Follow Snow on Instagram

+ Love Office Style? Meet more of the Home Office employees here!

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I think Snow is a lovely name, so unique! ❤️✨

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

5 years ago

Love, Dad