Dream Symbols & Their Meanings: Underwater

Underwater dreams are a very common occurrence. Maybe you have a dream that you’re swimming underwater with no plans to come up to the surface; maybe you’re on your way home and suddenly you notice that your house is submerged; maybe a possession of yours slips out of your fingers and deep into the sea. What does this all mean? Read on to find out.

In dreams, water is oftentimes symbolic of emotion. If you dream that you are underwater and have the ability to breathe, this often symbolizes a retreat back into the womb. Is something causing you to feel helpless in your waking life? Being underwater might hint that you’re overwhelmed with emotion and wishing you could go back to a time where you were a dependent soul, free of any responsibilities or the burdens of your own mind. If this is the case for you, try to pinpoint the emotion that is overwhelming you, and who or what is causing it. By identifying the root of the problem, you will already be on your way out of the water and back to the surface.


If you see an object underwater in your dream, this could be representative of a suppressed feeling. Think about what the object means to you, and what memory it may possibly trigger. Maybe there’s a sinking book, which reminds you of going to the library with one of your parents when you were younger. Can you remember something that happened at the library that gives you a strong feeling? When you figure out what that object represents, think deeply about that memory. Re-experience the event and allow yourself to feel what you need to feel. This will help you to free yourself from this suppressed emotion.

Swimming Underwater

More dream symbols from the BLDG 25 Blog.

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10 years ago

This is insane, because I actually had a dream about drowning last night. Thank you for the clarity!

xo, Juliette Laura

10 years ago

Thank you so much for this post! Under water dreams are a very common occurrence for me.

~ madi

9 years ago

Under water dreams are the common dreams but the every person have its own perspective which seems to beautiful for him or bad for him. we should try to check the dream dictionaries for the meaning and the lesson about our dream. Thanks.

8 years ago

thanks you!!!!

8 years ago

I had a dream last night of being in a pool, it was clear but salty. I am being pulled under and held there and no matter how much I struggle I can’t break the grasp of what is holding me. This is the first dream I have had like this, in that most I am flying either as a Voyuer or in total lucid control. So what is going on? Fear of acceptance and/or blame of or for a unsettled experience? Some strange form of survivors guilt? All insights of all walks are welcome, as are other theories.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

Well I just woke up after having the same recurring dream for the second time, the dream was I was in a pool and someone was on top of me a child and I couldn’t breathe and I started to panic and couldn’t get person off of me and then I saw another person in the pool with a child ontop of him also in the pool.

8 years ago


8 years ago

yo yo yo brothas hang tight!

7 years ago

I had a dream that I was swimming in the ocean and I felt a calling to a cave near the North Pole. I felt the need to search for someone and they were in the caves, I had to swim deeper and deeper before finally finding an entrance deep under the oceans serface. As I reached the oceans floor I found a cave entrance that lead to a room where people like me were welcome. I had noticed that my skin was course and my hair had fallen out. I felt welcome and at home. No judgement and no regrets from the life I had to leave. I could breath and felt warm even though my surroundings were meant to be cold. My only fear was the lack of light. But I was head strong and determined to be apart of this peaceful new life.

7 years ago

I was swimming to the other side of the lake holding on to a man on black who was guided by another man ..

7 years ago

I had a dream a pastor was baptizing me in a very deep pool of water, he picked me up held me in his arms then jumped in, i was holding my breath and scared we were going to deep and I wouldn’t be able to hold my breath that long so I started to panic, then he said to me breath you can breath. I was breathing under water. So I’m looking the meaning up to this dream and it says it means I went back into the womb where I’m reborn, like starting fresh. What an amazing dream. I know this had something to do with my grandma she’s helping me move forward and start new. Rip abuela

James Santana
7 years ago

I’ve always have been dreaming about being underwater. For the past few years. And it does make sense that it’s strong emotions that makes me feel overwhelmed, helpless. But I don’t see any objects in my dream, I’m just alone underwater breathing normal.

7 years ago

I have been told that when you dream about water that it is because someone is going to die.

7 years ago

Am writing a book using u guys as reference .

7 years ago

Can someone help me understand a dream i had!?! Last night i had a dream where i was swimming in a lake,and that i found a tunnel underwater and went thru it,i was able to breathe underwater but when i submerged on the other side i was in some sort of other world or universe,where there was stores and places similar to the real life but with other names related to the real ones,the coloring of the whole place seemed bright and even money was different,i then jumped back in the lake and swimmed thru the tunel back here and woke up,what does that mean!?!? If it has any meaning. Please help!

5 years ago
Reply to  Ismael

It is true you went there for real but spiritual, We move around spiritual when we are sleeping. But only water connected people can travel there.

7 years ago

Can anyone help me..

I had a dream that I was walking and being followed by something that had a bad vibe. Then I walked to a swimming pool and sat on my knees and looked into the pool. I could see my reflection – however had a feeling that whatever was following me was in the pool. I looked at my reflection and asked ” show me who you are” then I saw a glimpse of a different random face that I did not recognise and it made my heart skip a beat. Whatever it was pulled me into the pool by my head and then I woke up suddenly feeling very negative vibes. Still feel now. Can anyone explain what it could mean?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dreamer

Scary. If it were my dream i would think it was a warning of someone close to me who doesn’t want the best for me, or someone im about to meet? Hope that helps

Nobody important
2 years ago
Reply to  Kisha

Agreed. Or even possibly a dark entity trying to use you or some sort of bad aura that can cause chaos in your life. I would try doing some sort of spiritual cleanse or prayer.

7 years ago

Had a dream last night, I was underwater. Everything was blue and clear. I could breathe too. It was so serene, I felt at peace. I wanted to stay longer, but I woke up. What does it mean?

5 years ago
Reply to  Johnny

I have been having that seem dream for a long time. I realize I’m underwater and it’s the most peaceful, clearest, most relaxed I’ve ever felt. The color of the water is the most calming shade of blue. I really don’t like waking up front that dream.

7 years ago

Had just woken to one of my worst fears/ phobia in life. A human figure, much stronger than me had a material bag over my head…tied with string.

I was then violently shoved in to an old office chair and push over to a basin filled with water. My hand and feet were tied to the chair. He then repeatedly shoved me face first in ice cold water and then he turned the chair around and pushed my head backwards in the water while lifting me out the chair.

6 years ago

I had a dream about myself being in the pool and thinking it’s okay I can breath and then carrying on and enjoying not having to get out of the water as I felt free and I opened my mouth and allowed the water to go into my mouth and then I pushed the water back out with my mouth in a kissing shape and I laughed and really had fun…..I had no fears?

6 years ago

I had a dream, I was relaxed and having fun, I think there was some people with me and were going swimming in a really cloudy dark creek, I remember feeling scared of diving too deep, but when I dived in I went fairly deep but couldn’t get back up and I started panicking then all the sudden I realised I need to go to sleep and I went to sleep, then I woke up some time later and got out of the water. It’s weird. But

6 years ago

I have an Dream of water on the bottom of the ocean floor amongst all the fish and creatures of the sea. I can breathe underwater and there is no fear but only excitement and wonder.The colors are vibrant and it seems so real an amazing. I have this same dream every few years or so. I look forward to when I will have this dream again because it is a fantasy come true.

6 years ago

I have a Dream that I am walking on the bottom of the ocean floor on soft sand amongst all the fish and creatures of the sea.
I can breathe underwater and there is no fear but only excitement and wonder. The colors are so vibrant and it seems so real and amazing. I have this same dream every few years or so. I look forward to when I will have this dream again because it is a fantasy come true.

4 years ago
Reply to  G

I had a dream where I was in my house and it was filled with water and I was walking around in it. I even told some of my kin that was in it that I knew I was under water and it was so peaceful and relaxing being under water. I even noticed my breathing and how relaxing it was.

Cassandra Garcia
2 years ago
Reply to  Fuzman

I had a dream that there was water in my bedroom floor and I got up and the whole floor was wet and covered my feet

6 years ago

I had a dream when I was a kid, I remember it fairly vividly. I was underwater in a sort of cavern, there was a small wooden hut, a lantern on a table by the window, lit by fire, the inside of the hut seemed to be untouched by water despite the cracks in the wood and door. But what I couldn’t understand was the person, seeming to be wearing a prison outfit, weighted down in the center of the cavern, his hands tied. He looked like he was only a kid, short brown hair, untouched by age, pale white from the chill of the ocean water. A light shined down from the hole in the top of the cavern, illuminating the whole setting. What could that boy and that hut mean?

6 years ago

I had a dream I was at this hotel with family and out of nowhere I was in the hotel pool. (By the way I Can’t swim just like in my dream) but this hot blonde (guy)was sweet and comforting. So I get in the pool and it seems like the further out it turns into the ocean. The hot guy and his friends telling me to come out but I keep telling them I can’t swim. There is other stuff but I can’t remember. I just wanted to know if anyone had a dream about getting into a pool and the further out it turns into the ocean

6 years ago

I have had a few dreams in which I have been underwater before and It is always usually the same. I am in a pool and I jump in by myself and begin to spin. As I spin I breathe in deeply and let air fill my lungs and I am filled with happiness because I am breathing under water. After spinning for a bit I swim to the surface where my dream usually ends.

6 years ago

I had a dream last night i was at the beach with my friends and when we got in to the water something took us deep into the ocean
And there was tons of crabs and we started to breathe under water it was amazing there was a sunken ship too it was like a restaurant
There was people we didn’t know in there too but they where all kind and sweet I don’t know what this dream means but it was all good

4 years ago
Reply to  Alex

i dreamt of being to under water to visit a place just like in the movie atlantis. And there i saw my boss at work. Whatd the meaning?