DIY: Experimenting With Natural Dyes, Continued

I’m sure you guys known by now that I’m fascinated with natural dyes. I’ve tried fruit and vegetables, and I’ve tried eco-dyeing bundles with flowers. It’s so rewarding to experiment with different ingredients and the end-results are always a surprise. Read More

How To Cast A Love Spell

I have always been intrigued by spells. Growing up I used to collect little spell books that were full of innocent fun. It used to make my imagination run wild, and it was always great entertainment wishing and hoping they might work.  I was always fascinated with love spells just because they were so sweet and endearing. Read More

Eco Dyeing With Flowers: Part 2, The Results!

It’s time to share the results from last week’s eco dyeing experiment! I can’t stress how much I enjoyed this project…it is something I am excited to practice at and do more of. We left off last week with the steaming – I steamed my bundles for an hour and then let them sit in plastic bags overnight to try and let the colors steep a bit more. As for the results…I have both good news and bad news. Read More

DIY: A Sweet Origami Heart

Valentine’s Day is approaching, and with that in mind hearts are on the forefront. I love origami “paper folding” and have always been fascinated with the Japanese art.  There’s something about seeing a flat piece of paper come to life into a 3-D art form that I find so beautiful, and this is merely done by paper folding! Read More

Eco Dyeing With Flowers: Part 1

I have always loved experimenting with natural dyes.  The colors found in nature, in flowers, plants, and vegetables are so much more vibrant and beautiful than artificial colors, and it’s extremely rewarding when you are able to capture that color on a piece of fabric and wear it.  Read More