
What do you guys think of these crazy colorful designs by Timothy James Andrews? They’re from his Autumn/Winter collection for 2009-2010, called, as you might have guessed, A-Block-A-Brick-Toe. I really like them, even though I know I could never pull them off myself! The colors and shapes reminded Susie Bubble of Tetris blocks – I’m leaning toward Legos, but it’s the same basic idea!
Check out Dazed Digital for more pictures of the line!

garden variety shenanigans

Remember Carrie’s cool time-lapse video from yesterday? She videotaped the lobby from down the hallway for quite a few hours to create a time-lapse view of the creation of our lobby garden!
However, leaving the camera recording the hallways for so long meant she caught some other interesting goings-on as well. You guys will love this clip of one of our production designers hamming it up! I wish I could dance like that…

light breakfast

I know this picture has already been making the rounds on lots of blogs lately, but it’s so cute I couldn’t resist posting it, just in case you hadn’t seen it! The photo is by David Sykes, who tells us about the photo on his site:
This latest piece of personal work is all shot in one shot on 5×4 transparency. I comissioned a model maker, Ridley West, to make a giant plate that we could attach to the wall, and with the help of Jennie Webster who sourced some amazing balloons, this shot was the result.
Those balloons really are amazing!
Via SwissMiss.