Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of April 30–May 6

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April 20–May 20

Venus’s tour of your resources zone brings out your materialistic side, but her dustup with Saturn prompts you to adjust your expectations so you can get at least some of what you want. Figure out what’s most valuable to you and play by the rules to attain it. If you’re aiming for a certain level of (or source of) income, you may need more education to make it happen. Since the Taurus sun is harmonizing with Neptune, you’re in sync with people and able to tune into those in need. Group relations have a nice flow, as you’re naturally drawn to others who share your feelings and ideals. A humanitarian effort or metaphysical interest may get your attention now. You might be keeping your thoughts to yourself and then feel compelled to express your opinion with force. Get down off the soapbox! Exploring the subject that interests you in great depth will be more worthwhile.



May 21–June 20

Thanks to Venus’s presence in Gemini, you’re feeling affectionate and playful, and your easygoing attitude should generally make for smooth interactions. But the love planet’s friction with Saturn in your sharing sector this week hints at an exception. Commitment and intimacy are likely to seem a bit oppressive, given your lighthearted mood. Your significant other may not view your flirting as harmless, or someone close to you could want one-on-one time while you’d rather be around lots of people. Be open to compromise if you want to keep the peace. Your ruling planet has a similar fight with Jupiter, calling for you to watch your tone with a group, especially if you’re convinced you know the right way of doing something. A dose of ingenuity can get you onto the same page. Mistrust, jealousy and manipulation may pose problems; avoid fixating, and pull back from the situation to regain perspective.



June 21–July 22

It’s hard to find the right balance of alone time and togetherness when Venus in your spirit corner tussles with Saturn in your partnership angle this week, and it may hit you that relationships take work. You might want to drift a little, but another person is yanking you back into reality. Giving up one thing can earn you something else. Mercury and Jupiter are having the same problem, and in this case, you may not be able to keep your mind on your goals when there’s so much fun to be had. Juggle work and play as best you can. Avoid talking down to anyone, as they’re apt to get defensive. You’re motivated to connect with power players or talk about where a relationship is going, but tread carefully, gauging the response. A sun-Neptune confab can break down boundaries between you and others and make you feel like a part of something beyond yourself.



July 23–August 22

Your workload could cut into your social life this week when Venus in your humanity house struggles with Saturn in your productivity corner. Although everything may not go exactly according to plan, if you’re prepared to improvise, you can still manage to take care of business and also see your friends when time allows. Similarly, Mercury’s struggle with Jupiter means you’re interested in exploring and learning and may have a yen to get out of town, but home sweet home is also calling your name. Should you venture out into the world or get comfortable on the couch? Maybe a little of both. If you’re stressed about how much you have to do, try not to think in all-or-nothing terms. It’s not as dire as it seems. The sun is connecting with Neptune in your sharing house, encouraging you to ask for help, even if your goal is to shine as an individual.



August 23–September 22

Is it time to zero in on one project, person or private matter? Or would you rather think big, meet plenty of people and not close yourself off to the world? It’s hard to say, with Mercury in your depth zone scuffling with Jupiter in your thinking-and-talking sector. You’ll probably have to switch gears a couple of times in order to accommodate this incongruent pattern. And try to keep jealousy and obsession at bay in a close relationship, as they’re likely to breed suspicions. You might be attracted to someone you know isn’t good for you but feel like your bond is somehow fated. Venus’s disagreement with Saturn may spell a creative block, but you can get past it by approaching from various angles and trying to enjoy the process. A sun-Neptune convo invites you to get out of your element and connect with another individual on a meaningful level.



September 23–October 22

Your ruler’s discord with Saturn could throw off your equilibrium momentarily, but you can regain your balance. Part of you is drawn to difference, while part of you feels like security is more important. Although venturing far afield is tempting, you’re not sure just how much to stretch your comfort zone. If you play it too safe, you could miss out, so at least take baby steps toward the unknown. Since Mercury and Jupiter are having a parallel disagreement, a dialogue might be thrown off by overconfidence or excessive demands. You want to see eye to eye, but you can’t help the fact that there are some very strong emotions behind your words, and their power may override your intent to keep the peace. Courtesy of a sun-Neptune summit, an opportunity to help someone can facilitate feelings of closeness or wellbeing. This pairing nudges you to honor the link between psychological and physical health.


October 23–November 21

You’re in the mood to feel close to someone but may have more serious matters weighing on your mind. Don’t shut yourself off when a dark cloud is dominating your brain. Set your concerns aside if you have a chance to spend quality time with another person—and try to accept that you’re a work in progress. Seeing things as they really are isn’t fun, but make sure there’s room for love in your life! Mercury’s spat with Jupiter in Scorpio points to friction between detailed planning and blue-sky thinking, and you’ll need to bridge the gap somehow. Be careful not to sound presumptuous or controlling, particularly around coworkers. “My way or the highway” declarations will cause problems, so avoid taking a rigid stance. Compliments of a sun-Neptune mashup, you’re capable of gelling with a creative or romantic partner or losing yourself while enjoying life with someone you can let down your hair with.



November 22–December 21

Try not to let insecurity prevent you from enjoying someone’s company when Venus in your one-on-one angle argues with Saturn in your worth house this week. Refuse to get hung up on not having enough of something or not being enough for someone. And if money’s tight, you can still find a way to have fun. Make it a priority to spend time with the people you most want to be around. Mercury’s conflict with Jupiter may lead you to get lost in your imagination, especially while reading or writing, and you may struggle to find the right words. You’re trying to express yourself in a way that feels genuine and true. While Mercury skips through your joy sector, your sense of humor is sure to come out, but be careful not to say anything that diminishes others. Harmony between the sun and Neptune coaxes you to get in a flow accomplishing stuff around the house.



December 22–January 19

Saturn’s uncomfortable encounter with Venus suggests you could get in your own way while striving to do artistic work, repair a relationship or enjoy your everyday routine. You may feel like you have too many burdens on your shoulders and can’t tackle the tasks at hand with a positive attitude. But your mood will brighten if you get in a rhythm and feel useful. The sun’s chemistry with Neptune encourages creative writing, heartfelt communication and empathic generosity. Be receptive to whatever love and joy come your way. You’re tuned into your emotions and want to share them with supportive friends, but your words may not translate exactly; be patient if people don’t seem to understand where you’re coming from. It may seem like you’re tiptoeing around landmines when you talk to a roommate or parent, and part of the problem is your need for control. Introspection will be much more productive than trying to make them see things your way..



January 20–February 18

Private inhibitions, regrets, melancholy or fear could interfere with your openness to love when Venus in your fulfillment house tussles with Saturn in your subliminal corner. You may not be able to entirely vanquish whatever’s lingering in the back of your head, but you can choose to set it aside in order to enjoy what life has to offer you in the moment. And if it’s unfinished business that’s bothering you, do what you can to tie up loose ends so you’ll have time for fun. Mercury and Jupiter have a disagreement along the same lines, calling for you to tweak your thinking and your tone and ask the right questions if you want to win over your superiors and achieve your aspirations. Keep an eye on anger that’s bubbling beneath the surface, as it’s likely to come out in your interactions if you ignore it. A sun-Neptune get-together greenlights a possessions purge, so get rid of some stuff!



February 19–March 20

When Venus spars with Saturn this week, the pleasures of home will compete with your obligations to others. Maybe you have social plans you’re tempted to cancel so you can stay in and relax. You don’t want to let people down, but you also don’t want to go out and be grumpy. Find a compromise like inviting people over or making it an early night. A Mercury-Jupiter skirmish implies your big dreams may seem less doable when you start thinking about brass tacks, or you could be poised to leap without a net and find you don’t have what you need to succeed. Staying flexible is the key. Avoid talking about money, belongings or personal values with friends, as the atmosphere could get tense. Jealousy is in the air, so don’t engage in one-upmanship. A sun-Neptune connection invites you to let your personality shine through in your interactions. This is a chance to really feel seen and heard.



March 21–April 19

You could be enjoying your social interactions one minute and worrying about being a success in the world the next, due to this week’s battle between Venus and Saturn. Try to stay in the moment so you don’t miss out on life’s pleasures. Then do something to chip away at your goals so you don’t feel like work is hanging over your head. With Mercury in Aries, you have the gift of gab, but since the messenger planet is out of sync with Jupiter, you may need to find another way of saying something in order to feel understood by your partner. Doing more listening than talking would be another safe strategy to get on the same wavelength. Be extra careful when communicating with higher-ups because you’re apt to bristle at their authority, dialing up the tension. Rather than trying to sell them on your ideas, focus intently on one—then learn more so you can polish it.


Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $125 for 60 minutes, $150 for 90 minutes.


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Thanks for the guidance this week. As an Aries, I’ll be sure to keep working at my goals!

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

6 years ago

Great, thanks! :)