delicious dots

I adore this cake that Brooke over at Inchmark made for her daughter’s birthday. It’s so cute- the polka dots really make it! I wasn’t really sure how she made the dots, but it turns out that they are edible! They’re made of frosting, and happily, she tells how to make your own cake dots right here on Inchmark! This might just make me a tiny bit excited for my upcoming birthday…

extremely old color movie…. so cool!

I couldn’t resist posting this video of the Thames River in London in 1935! The film is an early color video; it used Gasparcolor, which is a very rare and old way of adding color to film. You can read a very detailed and admiring article about Gasparcolor here.
I find old color pictures and videos like this very intriguing, because one seldom gets a glimpse of the reality of life back then… it’s like a visual history lesson. If you are into stuff like this too, be sure to check out this old post about autochrome pictures.

new BLDG15 Threads out now!

The new BLDG15 Threads is out today, and this month it’s all about Home Office Style! We asked six different Home Office employees to go the racks and pick out a Free People outfit for spring, and to tell us a little bit about their own personal style! We made a really sweet little video of our endeavors, and got really inspired to keep making up fun outfits! To watch the video and get inspired yourself, head over to BLDG 15 Threads!

Result: a little giveaway!

Thank you all so much for participating in the little hair clip and nail file giveaway!
It was so much fun to read everyone’s favorite current silhouettes!
And now for the winners, chosen at random:
Congratulations to Ariel!
My favorite silhouette is probably an empire waisted dress/tunic.
Congratulations to Angela T!
I’m loving tunics right now, as well as comfy tops with skinny pants. My favorite Free People item right now my crimson/purple velvet leggings. They are SO cool.
Congratulations to Kaleigh!
tunics with printed/colorful leggings or tights
Everyone else, don’t lose hope! We will be doing another giveaway very soon! Stay tuned, and thank you!