using extra fabric scraps

Barbara of Bobbi Clothes teaches you how to make a simple loom and a beautiful hand woven scarf or belt from scraps of fabric. I love how she connects the pieces of fabric and how hand touched the finished piece looks. It’s also cool way to recycle your extra bits instead of trashing them.
And how inspiring does her studio look?
Check out Threadbanger for more crafty tutorials

brother’s intense new sewing machine

Can you believe Brother’s snazzy new sewing machine? The QuattroT 6000D features a HD screen where a bird’s eye, zoomed-in view of the needle and its surroundings are displayed. It also has a LED light for the sewing platform. They haven’t announced the price yet, (I bet it’s crazy!) but you can check out a little more about the machine here on Brother’s website. I never thought I’d see a personal sewing machine with a screen!

december catalog hair how-to

Remember the super pretty hair wraps our stylist Monica did for the December catalog? Well we recently made a little video in which Monica shows us how we can make the hair wraps too!
To my delight, I got to have my hair be the example, so I had awesome wraps in my hair for a while! It was so fun! You guys should definitely try it! Find the tutorial below – enjoy!

10 quick questions – Hilary

What is your job here at FP?
Visual Display Coordinator
What is your current state of mind?
Who are your heroes?
frontiersmen, explorers, etc…
If you could choose what to come back to life as, what would you be?
recluse wild cat!
What or who is your greatest love?
Miranda (my cat when I was little)
Name one thing necessary to your happiness.
good books
What do you hate the most?
ego-centric greed and selfishness
What would the name of your band be and what genre? What instrument do you play in this band?
mellow country singer with tight leopard print jeans—> called TALONS
What color are you?
What is your motto?
“One sure sign of a bear… is a group of nervous hogs.”

making of electrabel ad

Remember the little Electrabel ad I posted the other day? Well, above is the “making of” video that goes with it, and I rather think it’s even better than the ad itself! It was all done with lots and lots of candles, just incredible! This video has a more full version of the song too!
A note to those of you who have been wondering about the song’s artist and title: I have been searching too! I can’t seem to find it, but if I do, I’ll be sure to post it in the comments! I’m sure it’ll come out sometime!