Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of February 1–7

See what the universe has in store for you this week….

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January 20–February 18

The sun in Aquarius is collaborating with Saturn in your network house and Uranus in your communication sector this week, enabling you to express yourself to others, work well with a group, come up with fresh ideas and attain your objectives. But because the sun is also quarreling with Mars in your ambition angle, you may need to temper your drive so you don’t ruffle the feathers of someone who has authority over you. You’re feeling assertive and, if you push too hard to achieve your aims, you could end up instigating a conflict. With Venus and Pluto coming together in your subliminal zone, it may be necessary to work through intense, private emotions or an issue from the past. Selfless love is very powerful now. Mercury is also in that part of your chart and vibing with Jupiter in your depth corner, suggesting that introspection or confiding in someone you trust will help you to understand yourself better and heal. You’ll benefit from the support of a confidant — or from being honest with yourself and being your own best ally.




February 19–March 20

Venus and Pluto join forces in your hopes-and-humanity zone this week, highlighting the power of networking, friendship and group support. You could meet a contact or acquaintance who will have a strong impact on you, or you might be drawn to a group that influences your interests and goals. Jealousy, possessiveness or control may pose a problem among your circle, so try not to get entangled in manipulation. A Venus-Uranus spat signals that your rapport with people could be marred by a difference in values, priorities or funds, and flexibility will improve the situation. A Mercury-Jupiter collaboration reinforces the fact that your connections to pals and peers can be beneficial now, and you’re likely to learn from certain individuals if you reach out to them. You may end up feeding off other people’s energy, because chances are you don’t feel self-motivated enough to do everything you aspire to do at the moment. Part of you wants to relax, and part of you wants to conquer the world. Find a happy medium — or push yourself and then take a break.




March 21–April 19

Partnership, research and psychological progress can help you to make headway with a goal or make a good impression this week, thanks to Mars in your depth sector vibing with Venus and Pluto at the top of your chart. Delving into one thing and concentrating intently on it can lead to success, but Mars and Venus are skirmishing with Uranus, meaning you could get impatient or resist collaboration in favor of independence — and you also might tarnish your image with an authority figure if you become rebellious. Notice what’s working, and stick with it; if you get antsy, take short breaks. The sun in your network corner is clicking with Uranus, so teamwork with a group may be nearly as effective as partnering with one individual. But a sun-Mars clash indicates tension between friendship and intimacy or between integrating with a group and focusing on one person or project. Communication with higher-ups, career planning and articulating your goals should go very well, especially when you organize your thoughts and look down the road with high hopes for rewarding work and growing responsibilities.




April 20–May 20

Venus and Pluto meet up in your expansion sector this week, and you could find yourself intensely drawn to an unfamiliar subject, place, person, cause, culture or belief. Sharing new experiences will be pleasurable, and an adventure or trip with a loved one could transform your relationship. Venus is sparring with Uranus in your subliminal zone, so you may not be aware of your impulse to shake things up and introduce some excitement — or conflict — into your life. If a relationship or an enjoyable experience seems to run into trouble, look at subconscious compulsions and past patterns for answers. With the sun at the top of your chart battling Mars in your partnership angle, your personal ambitions could compete with joint efforts. Learning and travel will be highly rewarding, as Mercury and Jupiter are in sync now. Mind-broadening experiences will boost your joie de vivre, and thinking outside the box can help you to fulfill your creativity. You might encounter someone from far away or someone very different from you who opens up a new world to you.




May 21–June 20

This week’s Mercury-Jupiter confab encourages you to focus intently on a mental project at home, engage in a deep dialogue to gain a greater sense of security — or delve into your psyche in an effort to understand yourself better or make peace with your current position in your life. This is an excellent time for facing a difficult truth. With Venus fending off Pluto and Uranus, closeness won’t be without its challenges. Jealousy, control, possessiveness and mistrust could cause trouble in a significant relationship. Your love life and social life may clash, or pursuing your own interests and aims could keep you from being completely invested in a particular person. Or you might be craving intimacy with someone who wants a more platonic connection. Be willing to work on a relationship instead of expecting it to be effortless. A sun-Mars battle implies that part of you wants to be free to break out of your routine and explore, while another part of you is driven to do what you know needs to be done; you’ll need to determine your priorities.




June 21–July 22

With Venus and Pluto coming together in your one-on-one angle this week, a powerful attraction or relationship trouble involving manipulation or jealousy are possibilities. Venus is also grappling with Uranus, suggesting that your career or goals could interfere with a particular connection, and your rapport with someone may be affected by a change in your life direction. The sun in your sharing sector is feuding with Mars in your love-and-happiness corner, so intimacy might conflict with self-expression, or sex and romance may not mesh easily.
Fortunately, Venus and Pluto are clicking with Mars, hinting that playfulness, humor and affection can strengthen a bond. And a Mercury-Jupiter collaboration encourages open-mindedness and honest communication. Don’t prejudge anyone, and try to look toward the future with an optimistic attitude. An important dialogue can teach you something and even change the way you think. Let relationships of all kinds put you in touch with your emotions and show you what you want — and what you need to work on. Expressing yourself without fear and being completely authentic with others can help you foster healthier relationships.




July 23–August 22

The sun in your one-on-one angle is gelling with Saturn in your fulfillment zone and Uranus in your expansion sector this week, alluding to opportunities for self-expression and new experiences with another person. You could meet someone or spend time with someone who helps you to see the world from a different angle and encourages you to live up to your potential. A quarrel between the sun and Mars suggests that partnership and one-on-one interactions could be affected by family, home life, underlying anger and old behavior patterns. You might benefit from burning off energy through exercise or a domestic project. With Venus and Pluto coming together, although relations with colleagues could be rocky at the moment, you may be able to change something about your work, your health or your day if you focus intently on what’s most valuable to you. And a Mercury-Jupiter collaboration can enable you to figure out how to maximize your resources, make more money and play up your natural talents and confidence. Analyze how you can get more of what’s important to you into your daily life.




August 23–September 22

Mercury in your fulfillment sector is connecting with Jupiter in Virgo this week, hinting at creative, playful or romantic self-expression that feeds into your personal growth. This is a good time for gathering or articulating your thoughts about what you’ve learned and how far you’ve come in the past six months. Play around with ideas for where you might be headed next. Venus and Pluto are linking up, and that union could result in powerful creativity or attraction. But your craving for a profound experience may lead to obsessive infatuation and perhaps some jealousy as well. Venus’s encounter with Uranus suggests that one person may require more space and independence in a friendship or romantic relationship, causing friction. Expressing your feelings and asserting your needs will do some good. A disagreement between the sun and Mars implies that you should guard against being overly assertive with colleagues, though. Your drive to get things done could conflict with your ideas for how to go about it, and you may want alone time to get organized and determine your best strategy.




September 23–October 22

With Venus and Pluto hooking up at the bottom of your chart this week, your emotions are likely to intensify, and you may feel a powerful pull toward home, family or the past. It could seem as if a parent is trying to control you or manipulate you into feeling guilty, and you should try not to get caught up in a destructive dynamic. Venus is also quarreling with Uranus in your one-on-one angle, so if you desire peace and quiet, someone close to you might upset your equilibrium by acting unstable or disruptive. Or a change in a significant relationship may unsettle you. Luckily, Venus is meshing with Mars, suggesting that if you act on your priorities and take care of your own needs, you’ll gain a sense of security. This might be a good time to tackle clutter in your home and purge some possessions, although you’ll probably grapple with seeing your things as an extension of your identity. A Mercury-Jupiter collaboration means reflecting on the past and contemplating your emotions can enlighten you and help you to release judgment.




October 23–November 21

Communication and flexibility are essential this week, with Mars in Scorpio clicking and clashing with various other planets. An intense experience of love or beauty in your everyday life can captivate you and motivate you. Combining deep thought and deliberate action will be successful. In the process of doing something, your perception could shift. But don’t expect everything to go exactly according to plan; make the necessary adjustments if you get a curveball thrown at you. Your focus on home, family or personal concerns may conflict with your drive to be more assertive and productive, and your actions could represent a break from the past or provoke a relative. If you feel wound up, working out or tackling a project around the house would be a good use of your energy. Expressing yourself to friends or a group will go well, thanks to a Mercury-Jupiter collaboration, and you can learn from others now if you listen attentively — plus you’ll gain support when you ask for it. Short trips or even daily interactions may lead you to expand the circle of people in your life.



November 22–December 21
You may want to keep an eye on your spending this week, with covetous Venus in your resources zone tangling with obsessive Pluto and impulsive Uranus. An intense desire for something and a whim to do as you please could lure you into blowing your budget. However, if you’re intent on making a reasonable change related to your finances or possessions, you should have success when you focus on that. Working on your own in a low-key setting is your best bet, but you’ll probably require an occasional break to do something more enjoyable. With the sun in your thinking-and-talking sector vibing with Saturn in Sagittarius, making plans and expressing your objectives are favored. And Mercury, the thinking-and-talking planet, is clicking with Jupiter in your ambition angle, reinforcing the theme of formulating goals and articulating them. This is a particularly good time for coming up with ideas for promoting yourself and generating income. A sun-Mars clash indicates that frustration simmering beneath the surface could affect your communication, so pay attention to what you’re feeling and saying.




December 22–January 19

Venus and Pluto join up in Capricorn this week, intensifying love and desire. Avoid using the power of your charisma to manipulate others. With Pluto in your sign, you’re an agent of change. But self-awareness is crucial if you are to affect positive transformation rather than trying to control everything and everyone (an inevitable temptation when powerful Pluto is camped out in your sign). Given Venus’s additional struggle with disruptive Uranus, pleasant relations can easily turn problematic. Family or domestic matters, mood swings and inner tension can keep you from feeling as agreeable as you’d like. But thankfully, Venus and Pluto are gelling with Mars in your network zone, suggesting that teamwork will go very well if you make up your mind to cooperate. Try to coordinate your objectives with those of others to increase everyone’s chances of success. Mercury in Capricorn is in sync with Jupiter in your expansion house now, so learning; travel; writing; publishing; planning for the future; thinking and speaking optimistically; expressing your beliefs; lending your voice to a cause; negotiating a fair deal; and broadening your perspective are all highly favored.

Follow @astrotherapist on Twitter and email to schedule a reading over phone or Skype. Available in-person in NYC! $125 for 60 minutes, $150 for 90 minutes.

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8 years ago

I horoscope is TAURUS..You tell every things but please tell me this is good for me or not.

8 years ago

Why is Aquarius first and not Aires?

8 years ago

Aquarius is first because we’re currently in Aquarius “season”, if that makes sense. The blog changes each month to the current sign.

8 years ago

I think I found this post too late… despite this fact it was interesting to reaf, thanks)