Become Your Own Health Coach

Providing a few essential tools to help you stay on track through life’s ups and downs…

This post comes from Skin Food Talk’s Tara Curran.

Before I became a certified health coach, I knew it was imperative that I first address and change my own dietary habits. Better health and an enriched quality of life empowered me to become certified and bestow onto others what I had learned along the way. It is a joy to work with clients one-on-one, encouraging and helping them to achieve true health by tuning into their own bodies and identifying what they need and don’t need. By providing essential tools my clients are able to stay on track through life’s ups and downs.

During my personal journey, I quickly realized that depriving myself of certain foods was not the way to go. When I told myself I couldn’t have something, I craved it even more — my want for ice cream or chocolate and peanut butter became extra strong and usually resulted in overindulging. I slowly and strategically started to add nutrient-rich foods to my diet and “crowd out” the unnecessary ones. Before health coaching, my food intake consisted primarily of instant or packaged foods, and eating out. I was never one to eat leafy greens regularly so I made it a rule to eat as much as I could each day and then, if I wanted to indulge in sweets, I could because I “earned” it. What ended up happening? My sweet tooth faded away — my body was more satisfied from the nutrients I was giving it. When you are filling up on nutrient-dense foods, your body learns balance and, in turn, happiness.

A good rule to balance and health — increase real whole foods (foods that are grown in the earth and not packaged or processed). For two weeks, try adding one new whole food at a time to help develop better habits. Start with colorful vegetables such as peppers, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, asparagus. For the next two weeks make it a point to have those vegetables each day. Know where you can easily purchase them — like the Sunday farmers’ market or your local grocery store — and plan an accommodating meal plan. Will you make a smoothie with the ingredients? Juice, salad, soup or stew?  After the two weeks is up, pick another whole food group like gluten-free grains (maybe brown rice or quinoa) and add it every day with your brightly colored veggies!

Increase your intake of real whole foods.

Increase your intake of: leafy greens, colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and clean, lean proteins.

Food journal.

What have you eaten today? How do you feel?

In my schooling, one of my favorite takeaways (and one I encourage all of my clients to try) is food journaling, making note of every breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack, and how each meal made you feel. Did the meal make you tired or energized? Were you  full and satisfied or did you crave something sweet or salty? Maybe you experienced a skin reaction, or you experienced stomach pain. Write down what is happening. You also may find yourself eating at odd hours of the day during stressful periods, or maybe you’re not eating often enough. Journaling can help you get the root of your emotions, and help you identify patterns in what makes you feel your best.

These are just a few tools I’ve found to be most effective when working with others and balancing my own health. Be sure you are eating enough throughout the day, incorporating nutrient-dense foods, and feeling good about what you’re putting in your body.  I’ll be sharing other tips and tidbits in the next few weeks, and hope that you find something that resonates for you or inspires you to become your own health coach.

+ Are you ready to be your own health coach? Let us know in the comments below! 

Photos by Jana Kirn.

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I’ve been keeping a food journal on my phone for five years now. It’s done wonders to my diet and it keeps me in line!

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

Diana Free
7 years ago

Wonderful tips and a great lifestyle to live

7 years ago

I’ve been starting lots of new journals for different things (drawing, emotional wellness, everyday notes, travel, etc.), but I have yet to journal about food. Perhaps that’s to go in my wellness journal.

Thank you.

7 years ago

I totally agree that an inclusive method is much better than an exclusive when it comes to food! Denying yourself never works out well.

Sarah Hardy
7 years ago

I am now also a certified health coach and haven’t looked back. The amount of knowledge and mindfulness I’ve acquired through my studies is astounding. I believe there’s still a massive amount of people that pingeon-hole the idea of healthy food as being restrictive. However, they are actually opening themselves up to a whole new world of flavors, colors, textures, nutrients that one simply cannot get from overly processed foods. Such as life, your health and specifically the foods you consume are also a balancing act. Be mindful of the body. When it speaks… listen to it!

7 years ago

I also love journals as much as I love keep tracking of my health! :Journaling can help you get the root of your emotions, and help you identify patterns in what makes you feel your best.” This is a great tip, btw! Thank you @freepeople :)

6 years ago

Great idea I might start having my journal to track my diet is I’m really doing it right. Do you have advice how to make a great journal?

Mary Forman
4 years ago

Yes! I’m more than ready.

2 years ago

I have come to realize that one of the most important things in coaching myself and my clients is to begin with a vision that includes strengths, values and a detailed exploration of a vision of the ideal self. This allows me and my clients to assemble the infrastructure needed to implement the information gleaned from the vision in realizing short and long-term goals and to address ambivalence while moving forward in the face of adversity.