5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Home for Spring

You guys, it’s March. And although I didn’t experience the harsh winter those elsewhere have, I’m still excited for spring. Yes, after the long, hazy, bluish gray days of December through February, March is always a beacon of light and warmth, all yellow and green and fresh. It’s the month that brings spring flowers, and more hours to play with the sun as daylight savings takes place and the days gradually become longer and longer. It might still be cold out, but at least you can start to feel the change in the air. My absolute favorite day of the year is that first day of spring when it’s warm enough that you don’t need a jacket, and you step outside and can actually smell it in the air.

Just as our wardrobes update from season to season, so can our homes. I love changing things around constantly, not just for the seasons, but spring offers an exciting opportunity to refresh. Here are some ways to brighten up your home for spring!

Fresh Flowers

spring flowers

The first, and most obvious way, is to bring in some fresh flowers. Growing up, we always had daffodils in our garden and one of the first signs of spring was seeing their little heads pop out of the earth. Daffodils are symbolic of rebirth and new beginnings, like spring itself.  Tulips, with their array of colors, are another great flower for this time of year. It’s amazing how their presence can immediately brighten up a space!

daffodils 3

spring decor 7

Cheerful colors and patterns

vintage fabric

I don’t completely abandon florals and prints in winter, but I tend to gravitate towards darker patterns that fit the season. Spring is the time to bring back some cheerful colors, and lately I’ve been doing this with vintage fabrics. You can usually find vintage fabric in thrift stores or antique malls for a pretty good price, and they always have the best color combinations and retro prints. I used the above fabric to make some pillow cases – the perfect pop of color to add to my all white bedroom.

floral pillows


citrus and herbs

Scent is so powerful, and can trigger so many emotions, both unconscious and consciously. Fall and winter are always associated with cozy scents like firewood and spices, as those are some of the things we surround ourselves with in the frigid months. I’ve spent the last few months burning pine and wood-scented candles, and I’m ready to switch it up for spring. There are certain scents you can bring into the home to help put you in a spring mindset, like fresh-cut grass (which is actually said to release feelings of calmness and happiness), citrus, jasmine, geranium, verbena, and sage. (Now if someone could just perfect that exact smell of the air in spring and make it into a candle, that would be great).

Try some of these homemade natural air fresheners!


I even like to switch up the scents of my beauty products – lately I’ve been loving the citrus orange scent from Dr. Bronners!

Seasonal Produce

grapefruit and smoothie

Find out what’s in season in your area and hit up a local farmer’s market. Experiment with new recipes using whatever you pick up – think crisp salads, fresh smoothies, and quinoa dishes. I’ve been buying a lot of grapefruit, I love snacking on it with a little bit of sea salt sprinkled on top! I also used it in a variation on this smoothie – instead of coconut water substitute fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice – SO GOOD.

Open the Windows

open windows

There’s nothing quite like those first days when it’s warm enough to shut off the heat and open up the windows. Fill your home with fresh air and that amazing smell of spring. While you’re at it, clean your windows – inside and out — it’s likely they’ve picked up some dirt and grime during winter, and the cleaner your windows are, the more natural light will get in.

spring decor 5

Follow Julia on Instagram and Twitter.

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9 years ago

I love those pillows! & miss the luxury of a Texas apartment with a balcony (my cat does too). See you in atx soon!

9 years ago

Such wonderful ideas for bringing Spring indoors! I love the idea of bringing the outdoors inside whenever I can!

The Weaver Of Words…..give me 15 words and I’ll tell you a tale

9 years ago

I can’t wait for spring! I loved this post, as usual!(:

9 years ago

And don’t neglect spring cleaning!

9 years ago

I love simple and original posts like this! The photography is gorgeous too; i’m glad Spring is here already.

9 years ago

Tulips are my favorite flowers !
Can’t wait for spring !


9 years ago

FLOWER(s) POWER all spring long

9 years ago

all about the fresh flowers!! So excited for spring!

9 years ago

I love Dr Bronners for it’s truly simple ingredient list and multipurpose functionality! Instead of buying any of the scents, though, I buy the pure Baby liquid soap and then I make small batches of customized scents based on my mood, the season, etc.

9 years ago

The mere idea is very refreshing and brings home a very natural aura. Looks like Wall decals will complete the equation. Amazing.

8 years ago

here’s 5 more ways if anyone is interested :) more paint related though…