
i found this photography project the other day and it reminds me a lot of the WAFA mail art postcards i posted this morning so i thought it would make a cool DIY project for today! this is something that i definitely want to try- all you need is a camera and a friend!

every week, photographers ian land and caroline hancox each take a photograph and email it to each other.  they then create a diptych of the photos and display them on a website, taking turns deciding which photo goes on the left and which one goes on the right. to make things more interesting they live 114 miles apart, have never met and do not know what the other one has taken during the week.



week 3

isn’t it weird how even though they aren’t planned, the photos end up looking really good side by side? or do i just think that because that’s the only way i’m seeing them?

regardless, it is such a fun project and a great way for them to collaborate and inspire each other through their work.  check out the website here.

this would be such a fun thing to do with a friend- especially one that lives far away! if any of you try it send me your photos :)








postcard collages by wafa, an international artist collective that focuses on collaborative projects.  one artist creates something and mails it to another artist to finish, adding an element of surprise and randomness that i think is really interesting.

check out more of their stuff here…it’s pretty sweet.

oh and wafa stands for we are f—ing awesome :)

andy goldsworthy…

…blows my mind.






“movement, change, light, growth and decay are the lifeblood of nature, the energies that i try to tap through my work. i need the shock of touch, the resistance of place, materials and weather, the earth as my source. nature is in a state of change and that change is the key to understanding. i want my art to be sensitive and alert to changes in material, season and weather. each work grows, stays, decays. process and decay are implicit. transience in my work reflects what I find in nature.” – andy goldsworthy

see more of his work here.

fp mobile launches today!

now it’s even easier to shop on the go!

we’ve created a special site, just for our mobile users. you’ll find the same-to-use features of our regular site squeezed into a neat little package that looks pretty on your phone!

this feature includes:

– ability to easily shop on most mobile browsers (iphone, blackberry, android)
– add and remove from wishlist
– check order status
– there is a shared cart across mobile and the regular website so you can add items to your cart on your phone and they will be transferred to your cart on the regular site. you have to log in on both your phone and the regular site for this to occur.

just go to on your smartphone of choice to check it out!