Guest Post: No Bake Banana Cream Pie by Tasty Yummies

Hey there, I am Beth from Tasty Yummies!

I am so excited to be a guest contributor here on the Free People blog. I stalk this site daily, so when I got the invite to share some recipes with you guys, I both jumped with joy and jumped at the opportunity. Read More

Introducing our new Intimately Free People Line

The foundation of every outfit are the intimates – the items that don’t always show, but can go such a long way in making you feel comfortable and confident in your skin. We are so excited about the launch of our intimates e-book and all new line, and I asked our intimates fashion manager to tell us about her inspiration, key pieces and what’s coming up for Intimately Free People! Read More

Blogger Diary

I suffer from pretty severe seasonal affective disorder, and this time of year I always feel like I’m coming out of hibernation. The extra sunlight, the scent of flowers blooming and their bright colors… all these senses send signals to my brain that it’s time to go outside and be more active. Read More

Behind the Scenes in Vietnam

I must say, I have thoroughly enjoyed all the photos and coverage that our catalog team brought back from Vietnam.  The landscape and scenery of Vietnam is breathtaking and its been so cool learning more about a country I really didn’t know much about. Read More

Saturday DO

DO: five sun salutations each day, for 30 days.

Over the holiday, I stayed around Philadelphia while a lot of my friends went out of town. With a lot of time to myself, I did a lot of internet surfing during which I came across a blog (now I don’t remember which) where the blogger was talking about their self challenge to do five sun salutations a day, for 30 days. I decided to wipe myself of my previous “I can’t workout at home” mentality, and commit to the same challenge.

I went upstairs to my bedroom, rolled out my yoga mat, and intending to do five sun salutations, ended up doing an entire yoga routine – for an hour! I’ve decided that there is no reason to not do yoga at home. It’s actually even better in some ways. You can move at your own pace, and really hold a pose that feels good to you instead of moving at the teacher’s pace.

Last week I mentioned how I want this New Year to be all about balance. I’ve continued to do my five sun salutations a day in efforts to keep this thought in the front of my mind. On some days I’m in the mood to do more, and on some I do just the salutations. Either way, I get a moment of calmness where I’m completely in tune with my own body. I think this is important for my goal since the first step to getting balance, is knowing what is going on with yourself. I feel like I’m getting stronger, more flexible, and most importantly, a more balanced mentality.

Try it out! Do five sun salutations for thirty days straight.

For those of you who don’t know what a sun salutation is, click on the image above for a how-to video. :)

Blogger Diary: Life Moves On

“Life moves on, whether we act as cowards or heroes. Life has no other discipline to impose, if we would but realize it, than to accept life unquestioningly. Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate or despise, serves to defeat us in the end. What seems nasty, painful, evil, can become a source of beauty, joy, and strength, if faced with an open mind. Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.”

– Henry Miller

Every once in a while you come across a quote at the exact perfect moment…when truer words could not be spoken, almost as if someone knew you needed to hear these words and and an invisible force held them up  in front of your eyes. I am taking these words and holding them close throughout this year. I don’t like to make new year’s resolutions, more “life resolutions,” but like I mentioned in the previous post, I did make a list of things that I’d really like to do before the year is over.  I have a feeling I’ll be able to accomplish them all :)

I want to work on my photography, and learn how to cook – I’m not talking fancy cooking, I’d just like to be able to make something! I want to spend more time at my beach house this year, and I want to visit San Francisco at some point and see my friends there. I used to be one of those people who went to yoga almost every single day – religiously. Ever since breaking my ankle, I don’t go nearly as often, and I still don’t feel comfortable taking the advanced classes I used to, but I think I can get back to it this year. I also ran track through my entire youth and want to start running again, if my ankle and bad knees let me. Lastly… I’m pretty sure I’m getting my next tattoo this year ;)








I’d love to hear your goals and resolutions for 2012!

Photos by Julia.